Words of Ages
Steffens, Lincoln,O'Sullivan, John L.,Bret Harte,Carl Sandburg,John Dos Passos,Sloan Wilson,Jonathan Edwards,William Bradford,Anne Moody,Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston,Elizabeth Cady Stanton,John Greenleaf Whittier,Taggard, Genevieve,John Woolman,Mark Twain,Ralph Waldo Emerson,Upton Sinclair,Dorothy Parker,Leon Uris,Denise Levertov,Henry David Thoreau,Washington Irving,Anne Bradstreet,Edith Wharton,Elie Wiesel,Annie Dillard,George Fitzhugh,Henry James,Robert Beverley,Jack Kerouac,Arthur Miller,Hamlin Garland,E. E. Cummings,Harriet Beecher Stowe,Abraham Cahan,Willa Cather,Meridel Le Sueur,Zora Neale Hurston,Tom Wolfe,Walt Whitman,Martin Luther King Jr.,John Hershey,Philip A. Roth,Rudyard Kipling,Stephen Crane,Tim O'Brien,John Steinbeck,Benjamin Franklin,John Jay,Frederick Douglass,John Smith,Langston Hughes,W. E. B. Du Bois,Harriet A. Jacobs,Bob Dylan,Louisa May Alcott,Nathaniel Hawthorne,John Adams,F. Scott Fitzgerald,Mary Crow Dog,Herman Melville,Close Up Foundation,William Tecumseh Sherman,Philip Morin Freneau,David Halberstam,E. B. White,Robert Olen Butler,Toni Morrison,Thomas Paine,Jose De Diego,Ralph Ellison,Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman,James D. Houston,Meriwether Lewis,Margaret Fuller,James Fenimore Cooper,Abigail Adams,Countee Cullen,Nat Love,Winthrop, John,Thomas Jefferson,Black Elk,Ernest Howard Crosby,Sandra Cisneros,Hart Crane,Rebecca Harding Davis,Martha Gellhorn,Olaudah Equiano,Clifford Odets,Malcolm X,Juan Nepomuceno Seguín,Francis E. Watkins Harper,Judy Brady,Booker T. Washington,Angelina Weld Grimké,William Clark |
Explorers and early settlers --
The general history of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles / John Smith --
The history and present state of Virginia / Robert Beverley --
Of Plymouth Planta… |
OL14876177W |
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Edward Rowe Snow,Phyllis McGinley,John N. Morris,Sarah Kemble Knight,J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur,James Russell Lowell,Robert Frost,Edwin Arlington Robinson,T. S. Eliot,Carl Sandburg,Margaret Walker,Elinor Wylie,Sidney Lanier,Jonathan Edwards,Richard Eberhart,William Bradford,William Cullen Bryant,Oliver Wendell Holmes,Ernest Hemingway,Archibald MacLeish,Teresa Palomo Acosta,Katherine Anne Porter,Elizabeth Cady Stanton,Carlota Cárdenas de Dwyer,John Greenleaf Whittier,Sara Teasdale,Harriet Jane Hanson Robinson,Mark Twain,Ralph Waldo Emerson,Cotton Mather,Gary Soto,Dorothy Parker,Emily Dickinson,Denise Levertov,Ezra Pound,Henry David Thoreau,Washington Irving,Abraham Lincoln,Anne Bradstreet,Mollie Dorsey Sanford,Kurt Vonnegut,Edith Wharton,Lewis Thomas,James Thurber,Annie Dillard,Henry James,Ambrose Bierce,Paul Laurence Dunbar,William Faulkner,William Carlos Williams,E. E. Cummings,Harriet Beecher Stowe,Carson McCullers,Adrienne Rich,Willa Cather,Maxine Kumin,Walt Whitman,Bernard Malamud,Arna Wendell Bontemps,Ray Bradbury,Leslie Silko,Gwendolyn Brooks,Randall Jarrell,David Wagoner,Claude McKay,Stephen Crane,Amiri Baraka,Sherwood Anderson,Richard Wilbur,John Steinbeck,N. Scott Momaday,Benjamin Franklin,Frederick Douglass,Langston Hughes,W. E. B. Du Bois,William Least Heat Moon,Robert E. Lee,Louisa May Alcott,Nathaniel Hawthorne,John Updike,Wallace Stevens,William Stafford,F. Scott Fitzgerald,Chief Joseph,Tennessee Williams,James E. Miller, Jr.,Edgar Allan Poe,Howard Nemerov,Elizabeth Bishop,Amy Lowell,Francis Wright,Philip Morin Freneau,Jean Toomer,Thomas Paine,Galway Kinnell,Eudora Welty,Robert Hayden,Ralph Ellison,Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,Richard Wright,Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman,James Weldon Johnson,Isaac Asimov,Flannery O'Connor,Kate Chopin,James Masao Mitsui,James Baldwin,Margaret Fuller,James Fenimore Cooper,Karl Jay Shapiro,Patrick F. McManus,May Swenson,Edgar Lee Masters,Jim Wayne Miller,Robert Anderson,Countee Cullen,Sylvia Plath,Seattle Chief,Lorraine Hansberry,Louise Bogan,Edna St. Vincent Millay,Thomas Jefferson,Robert Lowell,Sabine R. Ulibarrí,Marianne Moore,Lawson Fusao Inada,Phillis Wheatley,Vern Rutsala,Kerry M. Wood,Eugenia Collier,John Smith,William Byrd II,James W. C. Pennington,Satanta,Lillian Hellman,Mona Van Duyn,Richard Rodriguez,Mari Evans,Theodore Roethke,John Crowe Ransom,Taylor, Edward,Robinson Jeffers |
Selections include:
- [Young Goodman Brown](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL455569W/Young_Goodman_Brown) by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- [An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge](https://openlibra… |
OL15164554W |