Regenbogenfisch stiftet Frieden
Marcus Pfister |
When a big blue whale comes to live near their reef, there is a misunderstanding between him and Rainbow Fish and his friends that leaves everyone very unhappy and hungry. |
OL15003004W |
Hopper's treetop adventure
Marcus Pfister |
While searching for nuts in the forest, Hopper, the hare, meets a friendly squirrel and climbs up into his tree to spend time with him. |
OL15142287W |
Where is my friend?
Marcus Pfister |
While searching for his friend, a young porcupine meets a cactus, pin cushion, and some other sharp objects. On board pages. |
OL15833996W |
Rainbow fish and the big blue whale
Marcus Pfister |
When a big blue whale comes to live near their reef, there is a misunderstanding between him and Rainbow Fish and his friends that leaves everyone very unhappy and hungry. The glittering hero of the… |
OL15844773W |
Penguin Pete
Marcus Pfister |
Children will delight in Marcus Pfister’s adorable ‘Penguin Pete’ as he playfully passes the time until he’s big enough to swim in the sea. He practices trying to walk gracefully and tries to imitate… |
OL16802283W |
Milo y la isla misteriosa
Marcus Pfister |
Milo and some of the other island mice build a raft and go on an ocean voyage in search of the island of striped mice. Halfway through, the book splits into two sections, offering two possible ending… |
OL17855898W |
I see the moon
Marcus Pfister |
Contains twelve traditional lullabies and poems as well as those of famous poets. |
OL18249698W |
La estrella de Navidad
Marcus Pfister |
Various people and animals are drawn by a magnificent star to Bethlehem to see the newborn Christ. |
OL18966872W |
Destello el dinosaurio
Marcus Pfister |
Dazzle the dinosaur helps his friend Maia and her mother reclaim their former home from the nasty Dragonsaurus. |
OL19428858W |
The little moon raven
Marcus Pfister |
Little Raven was last to hatch in the nest and the last to learn to fly, but he was the first to be teased and ridiculed. His only wish was to fly and play with the others, so one day he took a dare … |
OL19991895W |
Make a wish, Honey Bear!
Marcus Pfister |
It's Honey Bear's birthday, and he gets to make a birthday wish. |
OL20649122W |
The Rainbow Fish
Marcus Pfister |
A beautiful story about a rainbow fish who learns to share his beautiful scales with others. |
OL21201177W |
De mooiste vis van de zee helpt een ander
Marcus Pfister |
Als een kleine verdwaalde vis zonder schitterschubben door een haai achterna wordt gezeten, herinnert vis Regenboog zich weer hoe het is om eenzaam te zijn. Vierkant prentenboek met kleurrijke waterv… |
OL24766471W |
De mooiste vis van de zee leert tellen
Marcus Pfister |
De Regenboogvis leert tellen van 1 t/m 10. Vierkant prentenboekje met waterverfillustraties waarop glimmende folie is aangebracht. Vanaf ca. 3 jaar. |
OL26184115W |
Mujigae mulkogi wa hŭinsuyŏm korae
Marcus Pfister |
When a big blue whale comes to live near their reef, a misunderstanding grows between the whale and Rainbow Fish and his friends which leaves everyone very unhappy and hungry. |
OL27303913W |
Wo shi cai hong yu
Marcus Pfister |
The most beautiful fish in the entire ocean discovers the real value of personal beauty and friendship. |
OL27960250W |
Flocon, le petit lapin des neiges
Marcus Pfister |
Malgré le froid et la neige, Flocon et son ami Coton suivent maman Lapine, en quête de nourriture, dans les champs. Une gentille histoire illustrée, toute de douceur. |
OL29239707W |
The Christmas star
Marcus Pfister |
Various people and animals are drawn by a magnificent star to Bethlehem to see the newborn Christ. |
OL506958W |
Rainbow Fish A,B,C
Marcus Pfister |
Rainbow Fish swims over, under, around, and through the letters of the alphabet. |
OL507103W |
The Rainbow Fish floor puzzle book
Marcus Pfister |
When Rainbow Fish is missing, the various animals who live in the coral reef set out to find him. Includes a nine-piece puzzle. |
OL507126W |