The Fantasy Hall of Fame [30 stories]
Margaret St. Clair,Anthony Boucher,H. L. Gold,Ted Chiang,Robert Bloch,Martin H. Greenberg,Jorge Luis Borges,Lucius Shepard,Harlan Ellison,Ambrose Bierce,H.P. Lovecraft,Avram Davidson,Robert Silverberg,Tanith Lee,Poul Anderson,Ray Bradbury,Theodore Sturgeon,Jack Vance,Peter S. Beagle,L. Sprague De Camp,C. L. Moore,Philip K. Dick,Edgar Allan Poe,Robert A. Heinlein,Fritz Leiber,Ursula K. Le Guin,James Blish,Michael Moorcock,Lord Dunsany,J. G. Ballard,Gene Wolfe,Manly Wade Wellman,Roger Zelazny,Cyril M. Kornbluth,R. A. Lafferty,Shirley Jackson,Robert E. Howard,Clifford D. Simak,A. Merritt,Clark Ashton Smith,Henry Kuttner |
Trouble with water / H.L. Gold --
Nothing in the rules / L. Sprague de Camp --
Fruit of knowledge / C.L. Moore --
Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius / Jorge Luis Borges --
Compleat werewolf / Anthony… |
OL1960531W |
The ends of the earth
Lucius Shepard,Lucius Shepherd,J. K. Potter,Lucius Shepard |
From the creeper-clad jungles of Guatemala to the windswept peaks of Nepal, from the arid urban wasteland of Detroit to the haunted holocaust of Vietnam, Lucius Shepard's massive new retrospective ex… |
OL54947W |
The New Hugo Winners
Lucius Shepard,Connie Willis,Nancy Kress,Charles Sheffield,Harry Turtledove,Gregory Benford,Isaac Asimov,Geoffrey A. Landis,Janet Kagan |
A Walk in the Sun - short story by Geoffrey A. Landis
Gold - novelette by Isaac Asimov
Beggars in Spain - novella by Nancy Kress
Even the Queen - short story by Connie Willis
The Nutcracker Coup … |
OL8108770W |