Haunted house jokes
Louis Phillips |
A collection of spooky jokes, petrifying puns, and fearsome riddles features Dracula hanging out in the attic and mummies in the basement, among other monstrous goings-on. |
OL15721403W |
The animated thumbtack railroad dollhouse & all-around surprise book, evening edition
Louis Phillips |
A compendium of games, puzzles, jokes, surprises, and information both useful and useless. |
OL1956633W |
Ask me anything about dinosaurs
Louis Phillips |
Questions and answers present information about dinosaurs from different periods. |
OL1956635W |
Ask me anything about monsters
Louis Phillips |
Answers questions about all sorts of monstrous creatures, both legendary and literary, including Bigfoot, Count Dracula, the Golem, and vampires. |
OL1956636W |
Monster riddles
Louis Phillips |
A collection of riddles about monsters, vampires, ghosts, and other creatures. |
OL1956663W |
The world by sevens
Louis Phillips |
Contains lists, each with seven items, ranging across a potpourri of topics. |
OL1956682W |
Going ape
Louis Phillips |
A collection or riddles, jokes, and puns about all kinds of animals from aardvarks to zebras. |
OL1956687W |
Haunted House Jokes
Louis Phillips |
A collection of spooky jokes, petrifying puns, and fearsome riddles features Dracula hanging out in the attic and mummies in the basement, among other monstrous goings-on. |
OL1956688W |
How do you lift a walrus with one hand?
Louis Phillips |
Presents humorous answers to questions about family life, language and literature, science, travel, and other topics. |
OL1956689W |
Invisible oink
Louis Phillips |
A collection of anecdotes, jokes, and riddles all about to pigs. |
OL1956690W |
How do you get a horse out of the bathtub?
Louis Phillips |
Humorous questions and answers in eight categories parody suggestions offered by advice columnists. |
OL1956698W |
Louis Phillips |
A collection of jokes, riddles, puns, and knock-knocks about dinosaurs. |
OL1956700W |