Darkness, my old friend
Lisa Unger |
Jones Cooper has given up his post at the Hollows Police Department and is having trouble facing a horrible event from his past. Then psychic Eloise Montgomery comes to him with predictions about his… |
OL16175659W |
In the blood
Lisa Unger |
Lana Granger lives a life of lies. She has told so many lies about where she comes from and who she is that the truth is like a cloudy nightmare she can't quite recall. About to graduate from college… |
OL19972728W |
Die for You
Lisa Unger |
In a smart New York apartment, Isabel Raine is having breakfast with her husband. After her tragic childhood, she has only ever wanted to be loved and in Marcus Raine she thought she'd found the man … |
OL21240540W |
Cours, ma jolie
Lisa Unger |
If Ridley Jones had slept ten minutes later or had taken the subway instead of waiting for a cab, she would still be living the beautiful lie she used to call her life. She would still be the privile… |
OL21851434W |
Et surtout ne te retourne pas
Lisa Unger |
Célèbre romancière, Isabel vit avec Marcus, un riche immigré tchèque, dans un loft cossu de Manhattan. Un soir, Marcus disparaît et Isabel est agressée par deux faux agents du FBI. Peu de temps après… |
OL22133872W |
Cours, ma jolie
Lisa Unger |
Une lettre anonyme, la photo d'une petite fille de 2 ans et une note : "Es-tu ma fille?" L'existence de Ridley Jones, journaliste new-yorkaise, bascule dans une spirale cauchemardesque. Les vérités e… |
OL24157323W |
Lisa Unger |
While Kate pens an evocative historical novel based on family journals, her neighbor, Emily, flees a volatile relationship to an island in the Adirondacks where she, Kate, and Kate's mother, Birdie, … |
OL24269013W |
Voor jou wil ik sterven
Lisa Unger |
Een succesvol schrijfster is gelukkig getrouwd. Althans, dat denkt ze, want op een dag is haar man plotseling verdwenen, is zijn kantoor half gesloopt en is hun appartement grotendeels verwoest. Bove… |
OL24433465W |
Sans issue
Lisa Unger |
Après avoir appris successivement l'existence puis la mort de son père biologique, Ridley tente de reprendre le cours de son existence. Jusqu'au jour où deux agents du FBI lui révèlent que son père s… |
OL24758001W |
Halve waarheden
Lisa Unger |
Na de dood van haar vader probeert Ridley Jones haar leven weer op te pakken. Als ze vakantiefoto's ophaalt, blijkt er een figuur op te staan die haar vader zou kunnen zijn. Vervolg op 'Mooie leugens… |
OL26181591W |
In mijn bloed
Lisa Unger |
Als een studente parttime de zorg voor een problematisch jongetje (11) op zich neemt, verdwijnt haar kamergenote onder mysterieuze omstandigheden en wordt zij hoofdverdachte. |
OL26188363W |
Angel fire
Lisa Miscione,Lisa Unger |
The bloody murder of her mother when she was a teenager made Lydia Strong into a woman obsessed with bringing brutal killers to justice. Now thirty years old, she is a reclusive bestselling true crim… |
OL5755115W |
Beautiful lies
Lisa Unger |
If Ridley Jones had slept ten minutes later or had taken the subway instead of waiting for a cab, she would still be living the beautiful lie she used to call her life. She would still be the privile… |
OL5820491W |