50 ways to [love] your pet
Lisa Trumbauer |
Describes different ways to show affection towards your pet, including preparing healthy treats, playing games together, and reducing your pet's loneliness when separated. |
OL15039133W |
Lisa Trumbauer |
This book describes all about floods. |
OL15039196W |
The haunted ghoul bus
Lisa Trumbauer |
After boarding the wrong school bus on Halloween, a young boy finds himself surrounded by ghosts, witches, mummies, and monsters. |
OL15039214W |
Let's meet Frederick Douglass
Lisa Trumbauer |
Simple text and photographs introduce the life of Frederick Douglass, including his childhood, life as a slave, escape to freedom, founding of a newspaper, public speaking, and public service. |
OL15039240W |
Sam Houston
Lisa Trumbauer |
Simple text and photographs introduce the life of Sam Houston, who served as governor of Texas after helping fight for the region's independence from Mexico. |
OL15039304W |
A tooth is loose
Lisa Trumbauer |
Illustrations and rhyming text describe how loose teeth come out. Includes suggested learning activities. |
OL15976763W |
Un diente está flojo
Lisa Trumbauer |
Illustrations and rhyming text describe how loose teeth come out. Includes learning activities, parent tips, and word list. |
OL16175701W |
The Monster in the Attic
Lisa Trumbauer |
The night before Jack's birthday, a loud noise from the attic wakes him up. He thinks it's a monster. |
OL16621387W |
Look at the world!
Lisa Trumbauer |
Look at the different continents of the world. |
OL17839530W |
Set in stone
Lisa Trumbauer |
Examines stone and the many different ways it has been used. |
OL20627182W |
What can change the land?
Lisa Trumbauer |
Lots of things can change the land -- including you! |
OL24421719W |
To the core -
Lisa Trumbauer |
Discusses the Earth, its surface, and its center, the core. |
OL24713187W |
You can sell
Lisa Trumbauer |
The different kinds of things that can be bought and sold. |
OL24862151W |
Strijders onder de huid
Lisa Trumbauer |
Hoe houdt je lichaam ziektekiemen tegen? Met grote kleurenfoto's. Vanaf ca. 10 t/m 12 jaar, ook voor moeilijke lezers. |
OL26177828W |
The Native Americans
Lisa Trumbauer |
See what Native Americans have made. |
OL26436423W |
Sink or float?
Lisa Trumbauer |
Describes the basic principle of materials that float in the water or sink in the water. |
OL27298142W |
Lisa Trumbauer |
"Simple text and photographs present an introduction to the poodle breed, its growth from puppy to adult, and pet care information"--Provided by publisher. |
OL29735W |
A practical guide to dragon riding
Lisa Trumbauer |
In this follow-up to A Practical Guide to Dragons, wizard's apprentice Sindri Suncatcher once again opens up his notebooks to share more wonders of dragonkind. |
OL29736W |
A tooth is loose
Lisa Trumbauer |
Illustrations and rhyming text describe how loose teeth come out. |
OL29740W |
Cool sites
Lisa Trumbauer |
Provides descriptions and Web addresses for numerous sites on the Internet that provide information about many different sports and sports-related topics. |
OL29756W |