Infinite Stars
Brian Herbert,A. C. Crispin,Alastair Reynolds,Charles E. Gannon,Linda Nagata,David Weber,Edmond Hamilton,Anne McCaffrey,Lois McMaster Bujold,Jerry Pournelle,Robert Silverberg,Poul Anderson,Elizabeth Moon,Leigh Brackett,Orson Scott Card,Jack Campbell,Larry Niven,Kevin J. Anderson,Catherine Asaro,Jody Lynn Nye,William C. Dietz,Cordwainer Smith,David Drake,Jean Johnson,Bryan Thomas Schmidt,Nnedi Okorafor,Bennett R. Coles,Dave Bara |
Presents a collection of short stories set in such fan-favorite universes as "Ender's Game," "Dune," and the "Honor Harrington" universe.
Space opera: an introduction / by Robert Silverberg --
Fl… |
OL19724205W |