Java software solutions for AP computer science A
Lewis, John |
The right preparation makes all the difference. Prepare your students to face the AP exam with Java 5.0 language topics, AP-style review questions, Tie-ins with the AP case study, AP topic correlatio… |
OL15518317W |
Programming with Alice & Java
John E. Lewis Ph. D.,Lewis, John,Peter DePasquale |
An introductory computer programming book that starts with Alice, a graphical programming environment for a 3D world, and goes on to Java. |
OL94730W |
Java software solutions
William Loftus,John E. Lewis Ph. D.,Lewis, John |
'Java Software Solutions', fourth edition, takes full advantage of the Java 5. 0 release in a way that is appropriate for those just learning to write high quality programs. This new edition has an e… |
OL94732W |