Animal antics in limerick land
Leland B. Jacobs |
Such limericks as: In the woods on a fine autumn day,/ A hunter met skunks on his way./ Cried little skunks three,/ "A gun we see!"/ And the mother skunk said, "Let us spray." |
OL3910551W |
Hello, year!
Leland B. Jacobs |
Sixty-two poems by various authors on such subjects as the seasons, holidays, and the weather. |
OL3910564W |
Playtime in the city
Leland B. Jacobs |
Twenty-six poems capture varied elements of city life. |
OL3910568W |
Poetry for chuckles and grins
Leland B. Jacobs |
A collection of humorous poems about funny animals, children, adults, and thoughts, and just simply about laughing. |
OL3910571W |
Poetry for summer
Leland B. Jacobs |
Fifty-five poems by various poets about the activities and pleasures of summer. |
OL3910573W |
Poetry of witches, elves, and goblins
Leland B. Jacobs |
A collection of poems about witches, elves, brownies, goblins, giants, fairies, leprechauns, and other wee folk. |
OL3910576W |
Leland B. Jacobs |
A teeny-tiny lady entertains teeny-tiny children in her teeny-tiny shop. |
OL3910579W |
Alphabet of girls
Leland B. Jacobs |
A rhyme for each letter of the alphabet tells of the activities of girls whose names begin with that letter. |
OL3910584W |
Is somewhere always far away?
Leland B. Jacobs |
Poems that capture the elusive fantasies and humor of children. |
OL3910586W |