African-American Holidays, Fesitvals, and Celebrations
Kathlyn Gay |
African-American Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations presents the history, customs, symbols, and lore of more than 100 diverse African-American holidays and festivals celebrated in the United State… |
OL15175467W |
Careers in social service
Kathlyn Gay |
Describes opportunities and requirements in different areas of social work. Includes an appendix of terms and a list of colleges and universities offering training programs. |
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Caution! this may be an advertisement
Kathlyn Gay |
Examines the persuasive techniques used by advertisers and their effects on the consumer. |
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Cleaning nature naturally
Kathlyn Gay |
Discusses old and new methods of controlling pests and interacting with nature in an environmentally sensitive way. |
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Day care
Kathlyn Gay |
Describes the contemporary day care industry, its benefits, and drawbacks, the alternatives available to parents, and actions being taken by government and corporations. |
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Get hooked on vegetables
Kathlyn Gay |
Discusses facts and myths about the natural vegetarian approach to eating. |
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The greenhouse effect
Kathlyn Gay |
Examines evidence that rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may be changing the earth's climate. Also discusses how and why scientists study climatic changes. |
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The rainbow effect
Kathlyn Gay |
Uses interviews with members of interracial/interethnic families to explore problems faced by "mixed" children in such areas as family, school, dating, and adoption. |
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Water pollution
Kathlyn Gay |
Discuss the problem of our contaminated rivers, lakes, and oceans and proposes ways to purify them. |
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