Kathleen Krull,Richard L. Allington |
Introduces basic principles of telling time and such related concepts as today/tomorrow/yesterday, past/future, and late/early. |
OL2915389W |
Kathleen Krull,Richard L. Allington |
Situations taken from daily life demonstrate the usefulness and pleasure of writing. |
OL2915402W |
Lives of the Presidents (Lives of the)
Kathleen Krull |
Focuses on the lives of presidents as parents, husbands, pet-owners, and neighbors while also including humorous anecdotes about hairstyles, attitudes, diets, fears, and sleep patterns. |
OL441805W |
Maria Molina and the Days of the Dead
Kathleen Krull |
In Mexico, Maria and her family celebrate Los Días de los Muertos, The Days of the Dead. Includes a recipe for pan de los muertos. |
OL441806W |
Isaac Newton
Kathleen Krull |
Here is a man with an imagination so large that just “by thinking on it,” he invented calculus and figured out the scientific explanation of gravity. Kathleen Krull presents a portrait of Isaac Newto… |
OL97656W |