Lover Beware
Christine Feehan,Fiona Brand,Katherine Sutcliffe,Eileen Wilks |
BE WARNED: Four of today's most popular authors push passion and intrigue to the limit.Fans wait with bated breath for their new novels. Now, Christine Feehan, Katherine Sutcliffe, Fiona Brand, and E… |
OL15182700W |
Dream fever
Katherine Sutcliffe |
A proud and gallant aristocrat, he was exiled to New Zealand for a crime committed in defense of a woman's honor. Now disgraced and disowned, he lives as a simple sheep farmer -- nursing h… |
OL16071300W |
Une passion en Louisiane
Katherine Sutcliffe |
Avec un grondement sourd, les flots boueux du Mississippi déferlent sur les terres, noyant les plantations de canne à sucre et arrachant au passage des arbres centenaires. D'épais nuages noirs roulen… |
OL24305524W |
Darkling I listen
Katherine Sutcliffe |
Haunted by the malicious rumours that destroyed his acting career, Hollywood bad boy Brandon Carlyle returns to his hometown of Ticky Creek, Texas. Here he hopes to escape. From the obesessed stalker… |
OL5696419W |
Hope and Glory
Katherine Sutcliffe |
Can a man who wins a war also conquer a woman’s heart?
Village and nation alike tremble under the wrath of Roland de Gallienne, also called the Black Flame, loyal mercenary soldier to Henry II of … |
OL5696423W |
Love's Illusion
Katherine Sutcliffe |
In London of 1888, a beautiful young woman is hired as a magician, and becomes enraptured by her charismatic, handsome employe. But suspicious circumstances may be Jack the Ripper! Can she help her b… |
OL5696425W |
Katherine Sutcliffe |
Victorian England sets the stage for a passionate, unforgettable romance between a diplomat's daughter and a notorious mercenary who has targeted her father for assassination. |
OL5696427W |
Katherine Sutcliffe |
(Hawthorne, #3)
Three years after being abandoned by Maria Ashton, the vicar's daughter with whom he had fallen in love, Trey Hawthorne, the future duke of Salterdon, discovers that his beloved had … |
OL5696428W |
Katherine Sutcliffe |
Autumn Sinclair feels the stranger's eyes arrogantly raking her slender body -- igniting her innocent senses with wild, unfamiliar desire. But when their eyes meet, Autumn is shaken… |
OL5696435W |
Katherine Sutcliffe |
Orphaned and penniless, Juliette Broussard is overjoyed when her godfather, Max Hollinsworth, plucks her from an isolated French convent. Then she discovers his plan for her to marry his shiftless so… |
OL5696439W |
Renegade Love
Katherine Sutcliffe |
(Batistas #2)
Fugitive hearts...
On a wagon train from Louisiana to Texas, Rachel meets a stranger. She is unnerved -- and fascinated -- by the intensity of his sapphire gaze. Over the course of … |
OL5696446W |