The Prince of Fenway Park
Julianna Baggott |
It's been eighty-six years since the Red Sox won a World Series. Eighty-six years cursed.Twelve-year-old Oscar Egg be-lieves he is cursed, just like the Red Sox. His real parents didn't want him, and… |
OL15839241W |
Pure (Pure #1)
Julianna Baggott |
In a post-apocalyptic world, Pressia, a sixteen-year-old survivor with a doll's head fused onto her left hand meets Partridge, a "Pure" dome-dweller who is searching for his mother, sure that she has… |
OL15946527W |
Fuse (Pure #2)
Julianna Baggott |
In a post-apocalyptic world where those who dwell within the Dome are safe, and those who live outside struggle to survive, Pressia decodes secrets from the past in an effort to set the Wretches free… |
OL17871795W |
Harriet Wolf's seventh book of wonders
Julianna Baggott |
"A tale of star-crossed love and of the dark secrets in a fracturing family told in four distinct voices: the mysterious Harriet, who, until now, has never revealed the secrets of her past; her fiery… |
OL20005640W |
Julianna Baggott |
"Cuando llegó el fin del mundo, aquellos que vivían en la Cúpula estaban a salvo. En el interior de su mundo de cristal, los Puros continuaron viviendo, sin marcas, sin deformaciones, mientras que lo… |
OL20011896W |
Dit is wie ik ben
Julianna Baggott |
Om elkaar beter te leren kennen wisselen een jonge vrouw en man aan het begin van hun relatie per brief hun levens- en liefdeservaringen uit. |
OL26178150W |
Julianna Baggott |
Depuis que de terribles Détonations ont fait fondre la moitié de la planète, la population est divisée en deux clans: les survivants mutilés évoluant dans un paysage en ruines et une poignée de privi… |
OL26191427W |
The Ever Breath
Julianna Baggott |
Follow the secret passageway . . . and discover the magic!In a world where locust fairies flutter and firebreathers burst from snowbanks, two children are having the adventure of their lives. Truman … |
OL5755385W |
The Miss America family
Julianna Baggott |
"It's 1987 in Greenville, Delaware. Ezra Stocker is the son of an insomniac ex-Miss New Jersey named Pixie and a gay, absentee father; the stepson of an ex-quarterback dentist with a taste for turtle… |
OL5755391W |
The Madam
Julianna Baggott |
West Virginia, 1924: Alma works in a hosiery mill where the percussive roar of machinery has far too long muffled the engine that is her heart. When Alma's husband decides that they should set out to… |
OL5755392W |