Whose Bible is it?
Jaroslav Jan Pelikan |
A grand history of the Bible written by a major historian of theology, Pelikan takes the reader through the Bible's evolution from its earliest incarnation as oral tales to its modern existence in va… |
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The World treasury of modern religious thought
Jaroslav Jan Pelikan,Clifton Fadiman |
More than sixty essays from the most profound thinkers of the modern era. |
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The shape of death
Jaroslav Jan Pelikan |
The core of the Christian faith is pessimism about life and optimism about God, and therefore hope for life in God. These five chapters examine some of the forms that this pessimism about life and op… |
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Historia de la Biblia
Jaroslav Jan Pelikan |
Un fascinante estudio de la evolución de la Biblia, esta historia exhaustiva discute los primitivos textos hebreos, la aparición del Nuevo Testamento en griego, y la primera traducción al latín. Otro… |
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Jesus through the centuries
Jaroslav Jan Pelikan |
Jesus Through the Centuries is an original and compelling study of the impact of Jesus on cultural, political, social, and economic history. The author reveals how the image of Jesus created by each … |
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Interpreting the Bible and the Constitution (John W. Kluge Center Books)
Jaroslav Jan Pelikan |
In this book, one of our greatest religious historians brings his vast knowledge of the history of biblical interpretation to bear on the question of constitutional interpretation. |
OL7989383W |