Ecologia para ninos y jovenes
Janice Pratt VanCleave |
Teaches children about ecology and provides instructions to simple experiments. |
OL14855281W |
Janice VanCleave's A+ projects in earth science
Janice Pratt VanCleave |
Presents thirty sample science projects as well as ideas for small changes to the original experiments thereby encouraging creativity and increased learning. |
OL14855297W |
Janice VanCleave's big book of play and find out science projects
Janice Pratt VanCleave |
Activities that teachers can use to introduce science to young students. |
OL14855300W |
Janice VanCleave's molecules
Janice Pratt VanCleave |
A collection of science experiments and projects exploring molecules. |
OL14855318W |
Janice VanCleave's oceans for every kid
Janice Pratt VanCleave |
Includes information on techniques and technologies of oceanography, the topology of the ocean floor, movement of the sea, properties of sea water, and life in the sea. |
OL14855319W |