Hidetomo Oda |
Text and photographs describe the life cycle, behavior, and natural habitat of various species of butterflies. |
OL5110020W |
The ladybug
Hidetomo Oda |
Discusses the life cycle, behavior patterns, and habitats of ladybugs. |
OL5110026W |
The tadpole
Hidetomo Oda,Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers |
Discusses each stage of the tadpole's development as it becomes a toad or frog. |
OL5110029W |
Ile no konchū
Hidetomo Oda |
Discusses how diving beetles, water scorpions, dragonflies, and other insects play an important role in maintaining a pond's ecosystem. |
OL5110032W |
Hidetomo Oda |
Text and photographs describe the life cycle, behavior, and natural habitat of various kinds of snails. |
OL5110033W |