Hermann Hesse |
108 p. ; 18 cm |
OL15143953W |
Het Kralenspel
Hermann Hesse |
Het kralenspel is een utopische roman over de strijd van de mens tegen de barbaarse machtswellust. Decor van deze toekomstroman is de denkbeeldige staat Kastalië, waarin het 'Kralenspel', een ongeken… |
OL16018447W |
Narziss en Goldmund
Hermann Hesse |
Het verhaal over de confrontatie van de intellectuele asceet Narziss en de artistieke gevoelsmens Goldmund speelt zich af in de Middeleeuwen. Narziss maakt Goldmund duidelijk dat hij niet geschikt is… |
OL16018454W |
If the war goes on
Hermann Hesse |
A collection of essays from Hermann Hesse concerning World War II, his personal anguish and his antagonism to racism, nationalism and war. |
OL16245192W |
Ernest Hemingway / Knut Hamsun / Hermann Hesse
Ernest Hemingway,Knut Hamsun,Hermann Hesse |
Ernest Hemingway:
Presentation addresses
Acceptance speech
A clean, well-lighted place
The old man and the sea (excerpt)
The sun also rises (excerpt)
A farewell to arms (excerpt)
The l… |
OL17970062W |
Hermann Hesse |
L'amour : tel est le thème brûlant des onze nouvelles constituant ce recueil. Certaines nous montrent, avec un humour qui n'est que la face cachée de l'angoisse, combien aigu était le regard de Hesse… |
OL24264789W |
La cura
Hermann Hesse |
Una pausa di due settimane nella vita di un intellettuale che aspira alla saggezza lo spinge – attraverso piccoli fatti in apparenza irrilevanti – a dubitare con buone ragioni di sé: e quell’intellet… |
OL27280611W |
Hermann Hesse |
*Published in Germany in 1915, Knulp is a novel split up into three separate tales which are centered around the life of Knulp, who was once a gifted and promising youth, is depicted as an amiable va… |
OL8034880W |
Augustus, Der Dichter [and] Ein Mensch mit Namen Ziegler
Hermann Hesse |
Although chiefly known as a novelist, Hesse is regarded by many as one of the modern masters of the shorter epic forms. He delights in the incredible and in the irrational and therefore has often tur… |
OL872691W |
Das Glasperlenspiel
Hermann Hesse |
Hesse’s most highly acclaimed book, The Glass Bead Game is set in a fictional state in Central Europe in the 25th Century. The state of Castalia is the home of an austere order of intellectuals who r… |
OL872781W |
Hermann Hesse |
Dieser 1912-1913 entstandene Roman schildert die Geschichte einer sich auflösenden Künstlerehe. "Die unglückliche Ehe, von der das Buch handelt", schrieb Hesse 1914 an seinen Vater, "beruht gar nicht… |
OL872912W |
Prose works
Hermann Hesse |
Twenty-three stories arranged in chronological order that are primarily concerned with the authors own secret. |
OL873086W |
Klingsors letzter Sommer und andere Erzählungen
Hermann Hesse |
The story is an account of the final months of the life of Klingsor, a forty-two-year-old expressionist painter. A lover of poetry, a heavy drinker and a womanizer, he spends his final summer in sout… |
OL873089W |
Narziss und Goldmund
Hermann Hesse |
First published in 1930, Narcissus and Goldmund is the story of two diametrically opposite men: one, an ascetic monk firm in his religious commitment, and the other, a romantic youth hungry for world… |
OL873100W |