A. A. Jackson, IV ,George H. Smith,Lester del Rey,Martin H. Greenberg,Howard Waldrop,Henry Slesar,Robert Sheckley,Frederik Pohl,Michael Shaara,Charles G. Waugh,C. L. Moore,Philip K. Dick,David R. Bunch,Algis Budrys,Isaac Asimov,David Brin,Cyril M. Kornbluth,Harry Bates,Thomas A. Easton,Clifford D. Simak,Henry Kuttner |
The tunnel under the world / Frederik Pohl --
Brother robot / Henry Slesar --
The lifeboat mutiny / Robert Sheckley --
The warm space / David Brin --
How-2 / Clifford D. Simak --
Too robot to ma… |
OL15345653W |
Isaac Asimov Presents the Golden Years of Science Fiction
P. Schuyler Miller,H. L. Gold,Robert Bloch,Lester del Rey,Martin H. Greenberg,Joseph E. Kelleam,Oscar J. Friend,Eando Binder,Willard E. Hawkins,Theodore Sturgeon,A. E. van Vogt,L. Sprague De Camp,Jack Williamson,Ross Rocklynne,William Temple,C. L. Moore,Robert A. Heinlein,Nelson Bond,Fritz Leiber,Isaac Asimov,Robert Arthur,Harry Bates,John Taine,Milton A. Rothman,Don A. Stuart,Henry Kuttner |
I, Robot - short story by Otto Binder (variant of "I, Robot" 1939) [as by Eando Binder]
The Strange Flight of Richard Clayton - short story by Robert Bloch
Trouble with Water - short story by H. L.… |
OL8281148W |