Secret wars
Gordon Thomas |
From the back cover:
<blockquote>Gordon Thomas, a leading expert on the intelligence community, returns in *Secret Wars* to provide the definitive history of the famed MI5 and MI6.
Thomas's wide-… |
OL14955957W |
Gideon's spies
Gordon Thomas |
"In the secret world of spies and covert operations, no other intelligence service continues to be surrounded by myth and mystery, or commands respect and fear like Israel's Mossad. Formed in 1951 to… |
OL17026006W |
Gordon Thomas |
Geschiedenis van de Mossad, de Israëlische geheime dienst, vanaf de oprichting in 1951 tot heden. |
OL24716858W |
Het proces
Gordon Thomas |
Nieuw antwoord op de vraag waarom Jezus gekruisigd werd en door wie. |
OL24743521W |
Secrets & lies
Gordon Thomas |
Secrets & Lies introduces never-before published government documents and includes affidavits and transcriptions of interviews with both perpetrators and victims of the CIA's clandestine operations. |
OL27293103W |
Histoire secrète du Mossad
Gordon Thomas |
Pour assurer le futur d'un Israël assiégé, le Mossad a été à l'origine des faits d'espionnage, d'antiterrorisme et d'assassinats parmi les plus saisissants du XXème siècle. Pour ce livre unique sur l… |
OL28168381W |
Robert Maxwell, Israel's superspy
Gordon Thomas |
Identifies the publishing tycoon's work as a spy for the Israeli Mossad, citing his theft of the United States' most sophisticated intelligence-gathering software and the illicit dealings that eventu… |
OL56586W |