Shakespeare's minor plays
Gary Carey,Cliffs Notes Staff |
Summaries and critical commentaries, including Henry VI, parts 1, 2, 3 ; Titus Andronicus ; King John ; The merry wives of Windsor ; All's well that ends well ; Coriolanus ; Troilus and Cressida ; Ti… |
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CliffsNotes on Dostoevsky's The Idiot
Gary Carey |
In The Idiot, Prince Myshkin, a saintly man, is thrust into the heart of a society obsessed with wealth, power, and sexual conquest. He soon finds himself at the center of a violent love triangle in … |
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Camus' " The Stranger"
Gary Carey |
The meaninglessness and randomness of life was a constant theme in Camus's writing. This story is absurd, yet touches a chord within the reader that surely will resonate for years to come. A man is c… |
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