Essays on Production Theory and Planning
G. Fandel |
The thirteen essays of this book deal with aspects of production management, which have shown a growing importance in research, teaching and practice within the last few years. The contents range fro… |
OL19848345W |
G. Fandel |
In der zweiten Auflage dieses Lehrbuches wurden einige formale und inhaltliche Änderungen und Aktualisierungen eingearbeitet und der Inhalt um eine Darstellung neuer Kostenrechnungs- und Kostenmanage… |
OL19880339W |
Modern Production Concepts
G. Fandel |
Modern production concepts can be considered as an essential field of economics nowadays. They help to give valuable insights and thus provide important competitive advantages. There is a broad varie… |
OL19888914W |