Piedras Ensangrentadas
Donna Leon |
Una fría noche, poco antes de Navidad, un vendedor ambulante africano es asesinado mientras intenta vender imitaciones de bolsos de diseño a unos turistas. ¿Por qué querría alguien matar a un inmigra… |
OL14968191W |
About Face
Donna Leon |
The wonderful new Commissario Brunetti novel, from Sunday Times Bestselling author Donna LeonAt a dinner party given by his parents-in-law, Commissario Brunetti meets Franca Marinello, the wife of a … |
OL15132100W |
A question of belief
Donna Leon |
Under the stifling summer sun, Venice is flooded with tourism. Commissario Guido Brunetti is planning the perfect mountain vacation where he can catch up on his reading. However, before he can go, an… |
OL15937008W |
Drawing conclusions
Donna Leon |
" Donna Leon's latest New York Times bestseller "is one of her best" (Booklist, starred review) Twenty years ago Venetian Commissario Guido Brunetti and his creator, Donna Leon, first introduced re… |
OL16509671W |
The temptation of forgiveness
Donna Leon |
An accident involving the father of a boy suspected of doing drugs finds Commissario Guido Brunetti pursuing a series of false and contradictory leads before uncovering a long-standing scam and unlea… |
OL19732623W |
Le cantique des innocents
Donna Leon |
Un pédiatre et sa femme sont agressés en pleine nuit chez eux et leur bébé de 18 mois enlevé. Le médecin refuse de parler à la police et le commissaire G. Brunetti, secondé par l'inspecteur Vianello,… |
OL22064896W |
Uniform justice
Donna Leon |
A young cadet is found dead at an elite military academy. Commissario Brunetti is getting nowhere with the investigation because no one is cooperating. |
OL24193881W |
La petite fille de ses reves
Donna Leon |
Roman policier (enigme)
Des secrets de famille valent-ils plus chers qu?une petite fille ? Alors que le commissaire Brunetti vient d?enterrer sa mere, une etrange requete lui est presentee par un mi… |
OL24277376W |
Een kwestie van vertrouwen
Donna Leon |
Commissaris Brunetti keert van vakantie terug naar Venetië om het onderzoek te leiden naar de moord op de suppoost van de rechtbank. |
OL24434711W |
Salto mortale
Donna Leon |
De Venetiaanse politiecommissaris Brunetti raakt betrokken bij het onderzoek naar de moorden op een bekende advocaat, een accountant en diens zwager en probeert een verband tussen deze moorden te ont… |
OL26169578W |
Doctored Evidence
Donna Leon |
When a miserly spinster is found brutally murdered in her Venice apartment, police immediately suspect her Romanian housekeeper. They are certain their job is done after the immigrant dies while flee… |
OL2914627W |