Field of 13
Dick Francis |
13 short stories about racing by that mystery master of horses and the track. |
OL10530428W |
Driving force
Dick Francis |
Jockey Freddie Croft discovers a high-stakes conspiracy that exposes the seedy underside of horse-racing-and faces deadlier odds of survival than in any steeplechase run. |
OL10530450W |
Dick Francis |
One of the best Dick Francis books! |
OL10530457W |
Dick Francis |
Max Moreton is a caterer, and his problems start when an explosion occurs during a luncheon he is catering. This book was written by Dick Francis and his son, later in Dick Francis's career. |
OL13674305W |
Forfeit./ Dick Francis
Dick Francis |
Sports writer James Tyrone receives a warning from Bert Chekov, just before Chekov's death. It leads Tyrone into danger that threatens his crippled wife as well. |
OL15443836W |
Dick Francis's gamble
Dick Francis,Felix Francis |
From the Amazon page: Felix Francis continues his father's New York Times- bestselling legacy with another edge-of-your-seat read that's classic Francis.
Nicholas "Foxy" Foxton, a former jockey … |
OL15951529W |
Come to grief
Dick Francis |
The one-handed former jockey, Sid Halley, hunts for the man who mutilates ponies by amputating their hooves, and discovers the suspect is former jockey Ellis Quint. What's more, Quint has powerful in… |
OL17730907W |
Dick Francis |
"He doesn't really want to do it, but ex-prizewinning jockey Jonah Dereham soon finds himself bidding for a young steeplechaser. The money he's spending belongs to Mrs. Kerry Sanders, a very wealthy … |
OL17742390W |
Dick Francis |
Een architect wordt door zijn zes zonen bijgestaan wanneer hij met gevaar voor eigen leven de ondergang van een renbaan probeert te voorkomen. |
OL24259783W |
Dick Francis |
Geoffrey Mason is well known (as "Perry" Mason) among the pro riders, including Steve Mitchell and Scot Barlow--arguably the two top pros. So when Scot Barlow is murdered--with Mitchell's pitchfork n… |
OL24298622W |
Dick Francis |
Een architect wordt door zijn zes zonen bijgestaan wanneer hij met gevaar voor eigen leven de ondergang van een renbaan probeert te voorkomen. |
OL25070514W |
Het oog van de orkaan
Dick Francis |
Het relatief kalme leven van een meteoroloog van de BBC verandert abrupt als hij met een collega per vliegtuigje op orkanenjacht gaat. |
OL26182469W |
Dodelijk web
Dick Francis |
Een ex-jockey, nu privédetective, krijgt op een dag drie opdrachten: dezelfde dag dat bij de belangrijkste paardenrace van het jaar enkele doden vallen. |
OL26190665W |
Het gevaar
Dick Francis |
Een professioneel bemiddelaar tussen ontvoerders en gedupeerden ontdekt tussen verschillende ontvoeringen een samenhang die hem op het spoor brengt van het brein achter deze zaken. |
OL27685779W |
Dick Francis |
De dood van een lifter in een paardentransportwagen heeft vérstrekkende gevolgen. |
OL27703158W |
Under orders
Dick Francis |
'Sadly, death at the races is not uncommon. However, three in a single afternoon was sufficiently unusual to raise more than an eyebrow.'It's the third death on Cheltenham Gold Cup Day that really tr… |
OL463310W |
Dead heat
Dick Francis,Felix Francis |
After a six-year absence from the bestseller lists, Dick Francis roared out of the gate with 2006's Under Orders, demonstrating once again every ounce of his famed narrative drive, brilliant plotting… |
OL463317W |
Twice shy
Dick Francis |
Young physicist Jonathan Derry is given some musical tapes by a friend. But the tapes are really an elaborate computerized horse betting system that can make the owner a rich man -- or a dead one. … |
OL463321W |
Dick Francis |
From *Publisher's Weekly*: Champion jockey Kit Fielding again proves his mettle when Henri Nanterre, the ruthless business partner of his fiancee's uncle, tries to convert their road construction com… |
OL463322W |
Even money
Dick Francis |
The New York Times-bestselling authors return with a heart-stopping new novel.O n the first day of Royal Ascot, the world’s most famous horse race, the crowd rejoices in a string of winning favorites… |
OL463323W |