Stats in your world
David E. Bock |
This textbook is designed for algebra-based introductory statistics courses. Leads with practical data analysis and graphics, encouraging students to "do statistics" and "think statistically" from th… |
OL15488199W |
David E. Bock,Richard D. De Veaux,Paul F. Velleman |
This book is the most cited text in The College Board's AP statistics sample syllabi. Features include: Award-winning author team; Applauded for its readability -- your students will read this book! … |
OL16076077W |
David E. Bock,Richard D. De Veaux,Paul F. Velleman |
Our world is awash in information, more plentiful than the grains of sand in these dunes. Hoping to understand the world, statisticians play in the sand, our data. We collect and inspect it. We descr… |
OL16076090W |
Barron's AP calculus
David E. Bock |
"5 practice tests in Calculus AB and 5 practice tests in Calculus BC, including one diagnostic test and one online for each"--Cover. |
OL20058292W |
David E. Bock |
Our world is awash in information, more plentiful than the grains of sand in these dunes. Hoping to understand the world, statisticians play in the sand, our data. We collect and inspect it. We descr… |
OL26440269W |