
20+ results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
Track athletics Track athletics Clive Gifford "Describes the equipment, training, moves, and running events of track competitions. Includes step-by-step descriptions of moves"--Provided by publisher. OL15026337W
Skateboarding Skateboarding Clive Gifford Serious board-talking...From the Push Off, to the Tick Tack Attack, from the Backside Ollie Grab to the Pop Shove It - whether you skateboard already and just want some insider tips, or you are inter… OL15172176W
How the future began How the future began Clive Gifford Reveals the origins of today's modern marvels, from air travel to genetic engineering, and shows how they have changed our everyday life. OL16067056W
Europe Europe Clive Gifford This is not a guidebook. And it's definitely 'not-for-parents'. It is the real inside story about one of the world's most colorful continents - Europe. In this book you'll read about bizarre pastimes… OL19982734W
Awesome algorithms and creative coding Awesome algorithms and creative coding Clive Gifford "Awesome Algorithms and Creative Coding explores how computers work and explains how to think in a logical way. The bright and engaging design guides readers through clear explanations of binary code… OL20980038W
Football Football Clive Gifford Provides a step by step guide to the game of football. Includes skills, tactics, theory from basic techniques to professional rules. Suggested level: primary, intermediate, junior secondary. OL21540440W
Super trucks Super trucks Clive Gifford Take a rip-roaring ride with some seriously terrific trucks. Hop into the driving seat and put your brain in gear for an amazing ride with some seriously SuperTrucks. Be prepared to be dazzled by the… OL21621420W
Football Football Clive Gifford A spectator's guide to football, focusing on rules, players, competitions and history. OL21732906W
Rules of the game Rules of the game Clive Gifford The game's laws -- Early rules -- The law makers -- The law enforcers -- Players and pitch -- Start and finish -- In or out? -- Fouls -- Misconduct -- Red and yellow -- Free-kicks -- Offside! -- Pena… OL21767681W
Basketball Basketball Clive Gifford Discover everything you need to know about basketball from training to playing. OL24250024W
Olympic sports Olympic sports Clive Gifford "An informative and accessible introduction to learn all about the most popular sports that take place at the summer Olympics, held in a different country every four years." --Publishers description. OL24289757W
A world-class sprinter A world-class sprinter Clive Gifford Covers most of the aspects which make for fast runners over short distances. OL24309035W
Monster trucks Monster trucks Clive Gifford Explains the history of monster trucks and the ins-and-outs of truck racing. OL24421645W
Cricket Cricket Clive Gifford "Looks at the top cricket competitions in the world and describes the history behind them, notable events and the personalities that helped to shape the sport"--Publisher's description. OL24448082W
Atletiek Atletiek Clive Gifford Maak kennis met grote wedstrijden bij atletiek zoals de Olympische Spelen, marathons en wereldkampioenschappen. Met woordenlijst en actiefoto's in kleur. Ook makkelijk lezen, vanaf ca. 8 t/m 11 jaar. OL24790792W
Voetbal Voetbal Clive Gifford Met veel gekleurde illustraties. Vanaf ca. 12 jaar. OL24806502W
Generation Cricket Generation Cricket Clive Gifford 32 pages : 27 cm OL25248787W
Badminton Badminton Clive Gifford Kennismaking met badminton voor wat betreft geschiedenis, spelregels, verschillende grepen en slagen en tactiek bij een wedstrijd. Met technische tips en actiefoto's in kleur. Vanaf ca. 11 jaar. OL26176528W
Food and cooking in ancient Greece Food and cooking in ancient Greece Clive Gifford Describes food preparation and dining in ancient Greece, food for the rich and poor, ancient Greek kitchens, farming and fishing, trading foods and foods used to celebrate gods and festivals. Include… OL28757115W
Running Running Clive Gifford This exciting new series explores different sports, describing how and where you play them as well as the equipment and kit you'll need. There are tips on training and on practising techniques. The b… OL29247887W
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