A dream come true
Cindy Jefferies |
Hit mag Heart Magazine is always at the centre of the goss when it comes to celebs, fashion and style but peppy Ellie is about to discover that it's not all glitz and glamour behind the scenes. |
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Hot prospect
Cindy Jefferies |
A boarding school that teaches everything there is to know about football. What more could a football-mad kid want? Roddy Jones may be the star of his school five-a-side team, but he is set for his t… |
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Wat een show!
Cindy Jefferies |
Tara wil later rockster worden. Ze besluit met hulp van leerlingen en docenten een cd op te nemen om geld in te zamelen voor een school in Afrika. Vanaf ca. 9 jaar. |
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El triunfo de Tara
Cindy Jefferies |
Tara está viviendo su sueño de convertirse en una estrella de rock. Pero cuando se entera de que una escuela de huérfanos en África necesita urgentemente dinero o se verá obligada a cerrar, decide qu… |
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