Chez Picthall |
An innovative black-and-white and full colour, board book for young babies with high-contrast images of puppies and patterns to hold the attention. |
OL20879146W |
My big pink book of everything
Christiane Gunzi,Chez Picthall |
Educational, full of fun and passionately pink, 'My Big Pink Book of Everything' encourages, stimulates and educates today's pink-mad little girls as they prepare for, and start, their all-important … |
OL20937199W |
Engins au chantier
Chez Picthall |
Excavatrices, scies à pierre, trancheuses, pose-tubes et autres engins de chantier défilent sur les pages de cet album solidement cartonné. Chaque double page regroupe quelques photographies dans les… |
OL29231021W |