Some things go together
Charlotte Zolotow |
Illustrations accompany couplets describing things that go together: "Sand with sea/ And you with me." |
OL15164056W |
Flocks of birds
Charlotte Zolotow |
A mother soothes her youngster to sleep with the images of a flock of birds in flight across mountains, over lakes, and by wind-swept cities. |
OL15211311W |
Bunny Who Found Easter
Charlotte Zolotow |
A lonely rabbit searches for others of his kind from summer through winter until spring arrives and he finds one special bunny. |
OL15211364W |
Cham chanŭn ch'aek
Charlotte Zolotow |
Describes how each animal sleeps in its own special place, in its own special way. |
OL29318207W |