Ocean life
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
"Macro photography zooms in on anemones, octopus, coral reefs, and more to reveal how unique features of ocean life help them adapt to their habitats"--Provided by publisher. |
OL15933164W |
Deadly predators
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
Mords dans l'action avec des prédateurs redoutables! Regarde un tigre féroce droit dans les yeux. Découvre comment l'ours polaire traque ses proies. Apprends comment l'anguille met une proie hors jeu… |
OL16564122W |
Scary sharks
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
"This survey of the different shark species details their habitats, behavior, and adaptations that make them effective predators. Includes information about endangered sharks and which sharks are the… |
OL16564123W |
Fearsome reptiles
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
"This survey of the deadliest reptiles in the world details their habitats, behavior, and adaptations such as venom and bites that make them dangerous to humans and other animals"--Provided by publis… |
OL16564125W |
Rapide et lent
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
Did you know that the wings of a midge beat over 1000 times a second? ... or that a sloth is the slowest mammal on Earth? ... or that a basilisk lizard can run on water? Get ready to enter the weird … |
OL17878341W |
Fort et faible
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
Wist je dat kreeften hun prooi knock-out kunnen slaan? Ingegaan wordt op sterke en zwakke dieren en hoe deze laatste overleven. Met kleurenfoto's. Ook makkelijk lezen. Vanaf ca. 9 t/m 12 jaar. |
OL18160576W |
Would you rather have the teeth of a T-rex or the armour of an ankylosaurus?
Camilla De la Bédoyère,Mel Howells |
Hilarious scenes and fun questions bring dinosaur facts to life! |
OL21774784W |
I love animals
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
From the fast, fluffy and cute cheetah cub, to the playful and endearing baby elephant, this title explores over 50 popular species from all around the world. |
OL24164359W |
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
Ripley's Twists: Pirates is a new title in Ripley Publishing's popular reference series for young readers. Complete with compelling illustrations and all-new content, the book's historical approach t… |
OL24292155W |
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
With exactly 50 entries, this guide helps readers engage with the natural and scientific world. Divided into clear sections, each entry is accompanied by a colour illustration or photograph with desc… |
OL24464238W |
Beasties in my backyard
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
A spectacular collection of the weird and wonderful world of creepy crawlies. There are all kinds of bugs lurking in your backyard. Take a close-up peek at the alien-like beasties that are living rig… |
OL26201037W |
100 Things You Should Know About Big Cats
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
Provides a colourful and informative introduction to wildcats and their worlds, for school children. Includes fun facts, cartoons and questions. |
OL9592669W |
Wild Animals (Headstart)
Camilla De la Bédoyère |
Presents a collection of unusual and miscellaneous facts about animals around the world, covering such topics as size, speed, camouflage, talk, migration, and predatory behavior. -- |
OL9592682W |