Careers for Scholars & Other Deep Thinkers
Blythe Camenson |
Careers for Scholars and Other Deep Thinkers lets career explorers look at the job market through the unique lens of their own interests. The book reveals dozens of ways to pursue a passion and make … |
OL14866072W |
Careers in publishing
Blythe Camenson |
The world of publishing is open to many talents. Writers, photographers, editors, literary agents, marketers, salespeople, lawyers, accountants, and others all take part in creating, funding, produci… |
OL14866077W |
Opportunities in overseas careers
Blythe Camenson |
The most comprehensive career book series available, Opportunities in . . . explores a vast range of professions.Each book offers:The latest information on a field of interest Training and education … |
OL14866090W |
Opportunities in psychology careers
Blythe Camenson |
Each book offers: The latest information on a field of interest; Training and educational requirements for each career; Salary statistics for different positions within each field, and Up-to-date pro… |
OL14866091W |
Careers for born leaders & other decisive types
Blythe Camenson |
Careers For You is the only career series to help you turn your passion into a paycheck!The inspiring Careers for Born Leaders & Other Decisive Types lets you explore the fields job market through th… |
OL14866112W |
Careers for legal eagles & other law-and-order types
Blythe Camenson |
Careers For You is the only career series to help you turn your passion into a paycheck!The inspiring Careers for Legal Eagles & Other Law-and-Order Types lets you explore the fields job market throu… |
OL14866116W |
Careers for Romantics & Other Dreamy Types
Blythe Camenson |
Careers for Romantics & Other Dreamy Types lets career explorers look at the job market through the unique lens of their own interests. The book reveals dozens of ways to pursue a passion and make a … |
OL14866123W |
Careers in art
Blythe Camenson |
Careers in Art offers all the information career seekers need to explore and choose a profession and then narrow it down to a job that suits them. The book provides an overview of the field of art, o… |
OL14866126W |
Opportunities in Landscape Architecture, botanical Gardens and Arboreta Careers (Opportunities in)
Blythe Camenson |
Each book offers: The latest information on a field of interest Training and educational requirements for each career Salary statistics for different positions within each field Up-to-date profession… |
OL14866138W |
Blythe Camenson |
Introduces authorship as a career and includes information on persons who have achieved success as writers in various fields. |
OL14866147W |
Opportunities in Forensic Science Careers
Blythe Camenson |
Opportunities in Forensic Science Careers offers job seekers essential information about a variety of careers within the fascinating field of forensics. It includes training and education requirement… |
OL14866151W |
Great Jobs for Art Majors
Blythe Camenson |
Answers the question, “What can I do with a major in . . . ?”This series helps students explore career options within their field of study. From assessing individual talents and skills to taking the … |
OL14866155W |