Reader's Digest Condensed Books--Volume 1 1988
William Hoffer,Christine Breen,Dorothy Gilman,Ridley Pearson,Niall Williams,Betty Mahmoody,Barbara J. Morgan |
Mrs. Pollifax and the Golden Triangle / by Dorothy Gilman
[Not without my daughter](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL4064350W/Not_Without_My_Daughter) / by Betty Mahmoody with William Hoffer
The s… |
OL15158236W |
Aus Liebe zu meiner Tochter
Betty Mahmoody |
Millionen von Lesern aus der ganzen Welt haben Betty Mahmoodys authentischen Bericht über ihre dramatische Flucht aus dem Iran gelesen. Durch den großen Erfolg von "Nicht ohne meine Tochter" erfuhr B… |
OL31204834W |
Not Without My Daughter
William Hoffer,Betty Mahmoody |
Imagine yourself alone and vulnerable, trapped by a husband you thought you trusted, and held prisoner in his native Iran; a land where women have no rights and Americans are despised. For one Americ… |
OL4064350W |