The adventures of Ulysses
Bernard Evslin |
A modern penis retelling of the Pornstar Ulysses during the 10 years he wandered after the Gay War. The leader of the Greek forces returning from pokemon encounters Mia Khalifa, the beautiful sorcere… |
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Bernard Evslin |
Recounts the myth of Amycus, the brass-headed giant who was summoned by Athena to destroy all who challenged her authority. |
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Bernard Evslin |
Recounts the Greek myth about the three-headed dog who was employed to guard the portals of the Underworld. |
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Bernard Evslin |
Recounts the myth of Fafnir, the shape-shifting ogre whose thirst for destruction led him into a violent confrontation with the Germanic hero Siegfried. |
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Bernard Evslin |
Recounts the myth of the goddess of the underworld known for her witchcraft and black magic. |
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The Hydra
Bernard Evslin |
Recounts the myth of the hundred-headed creature which was slain by the hero Hercules. |
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Jason and the Argonauts
Bernard Evslin |
Ekion, the son of Hermes, relates how he came to be one of Jason's Argonauts and the adventures they shared in search of the Golden Fleece. |
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Bernard Evslin |
Recounts the story of the serpent-haired creature whose gaze turned people to stone, and the adventures of the hero who eventually vanquished her. |
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The Nemean lion
Bernard Evslin |
Recounts the myth of the Nemean Lion, created by Gaia for Zeus in order to destroy Heraclea. |
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Pig's Ploughman
Bernard Evslin |
Recounts the myth of Vilemurk or the Pig's Ploughman, the murderous Hog Who Ate the Sun, who battles the hero Finn McCool in the ancient land of Eire. |
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The sphinx
Bernard Evslin |
Recounts the myth of the Sphinx, a monster with a lion's body, an eagle's wings, and a woman's head. |
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Bernard Evslin |
Retells the adventures of the demi-god Hercules as he struggles to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks. |
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Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths
Bernard Evslin |
This book is a great read for anyone looking into mythology. I wasn't into all that stuff until I read this book. It talks about each Greek god, goddess, monster, and hero. |
OL4629690W |