Journey to the South
Annie Hawes |
Ever since Annie got together with Ciccio, his Calabrian family have spoken of their homeland as an earthly paradise, of wild nights dancing the tarantella, of almond milk sold fresh from roadside st… |
OL15179566W |
Ripe for the Picking
Annie Hawes |
During the course of Annie Hawes' new book, local culinary superstar, Ciccio, gradually takes over as Annie's constant companion. How irresistible is a man who first demonstrates his affection and es… |
OL221768W |
Rijp voor de pluk
Annie Hawes |
Een Britse bewoonster van een afgelegen huis in Ligurië leert zich door schade en schande aan te passen aan de Italiaanse plattelandsbevolking. |
OL24729839W |
Extra vergine
Annie Hawes |
Reis- en levenservaringen van twee Engelse vrouwen in Italië. |
OL24739365W |