The Glass Enclosure
Alyn Shipton |
"Bud Powell revolutionized jazz piano in the 1940s by developing a rapidity of thought and execution hitherto matched only by pioneer bebop trumpeters and saxophonists. He combined the harmonic innov… |
OL15119858W |
Alyn Shipton |
Examines vocal music throughout history, discussing how the voice works, different kinds of singing and songs, and the technology involved in recording and playing back vocal music. |
OL1916994W |
Alyn Shipton |
Text and pictures introduce the woodwind family of instruments, such as flutes, saxophones, oboes, bassoons, and their relatives. |
OL1916998W |
Alyn Shipton |
Describes various types of percussion instruments--including different drums, xylophones, cymbals, and shakers--discussing how they are played and their use in music around the world. |
OL1917004W |
Alyn Shipton |
An introduction to the string family of instruments, such as the violin, viola, cello, harp, guitar and their relatives. |
OL1917005W |
Le Chant
Alyn Shipton |
Pour découvrir le chant, tandis qu'un guide d'écoute aide les enfants à choisir les partitions de chant et à orienter leur goût musical. |
OL24650706W |