Food Stories
Louisa May Alcott,Jack London,Daniel Barber,Alphonse Daudet,Damon Runyon,Laura Esquivel |
An old-fashioned thanksgiving / by Louisa May Alcott --
The little pies / by Alphonse Daudet --
A piece of steak / by Jack London --
Like water for chocolate : January / by Laura Esquivel --
A pi… |
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Letters from my windmill
Alphonse Daudet |
"The author, having relocated his home from Paris, recounts short bucolic tales about his new life in Provence as well as his trips to Corsica and French Algeria"--P. [4] of cover. |
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Contes choisis de Daudet
Alphonse Daudet |
The Cover is plain with a small lamp like a Genie would come out of. It has a layout like the following:
Contes Choisis
De Daudet
Edited by
J.F. Broussard
Charles Scribner's Sons |
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Alphonse Daudet |
En décembre 1858, refusé par l'institution jésuite de Vaugirard, Jack, fils adultérin d'Ida de Barancy, une demi-mondaine, échoue dans le collège insalubre du mulâtre Moronval. Ida succombe au charme… |
OL942655W |
Contes du lundi
Alphonse Daudet |
Ce matin-la, j'etais tres en retard pour aller a l'ecole, et j'avais grand-peur d'etre gronde, d'autant que M. Hamel nous avait dit qu'il nous interrogerait sur les participes, et je n'en savais pas … |
OL942661W |
Alphonse Daudet |
This is not a translation of Sappho the poetess . |
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