Ten little puppies
Alma Flor Ada |
Ten little puppies are lost, one by one, for different reasons, until only one little puppy remains. |
OL15987993W |
Jordi's star
Alma Flor Ada |
A lonely shepherd sees a star floating on the surface of a small pool and, convinced that the star is really in the water, tries to make the mountainside beautiful for its new resident. |
OL17735177W |
Pío peep!
F. Isabel Campoy,Alice Schertle,Alma Flor Ada |
A collection of more than two dozen nursery rhymes in Spanish, from Spain and Latin America, with English translations. |
OL18265405W |
Celebra el cuatro de julio con Campeó́n, el glotón
Alma Flor Ada |
Champ the Scamp hitches a ride in the basket for the Fourth of July picnic. Includes nonfiction information about the holiday. |
OL18313773W |
Mis quehaceres =
F. Isabel Campoy,George Ancona,Alma Flor Ada |
En el libro se presentan algunos pequeños quehaceres que los niños desempeñan en sus casas y en la escuela. Con ellos ayudan a sus familias y a sus maestros en las labores diarias. |
OL19925805W |
Mis bailes =
F. Isabel Campoy,George Ancona,Alma Flor Ada |
It is said that Latinos are born dancing. Here, colorful photographs show families and friends in bright costumes dancing Mexican and Peruvian dances. -- Se dice que los Latinos nacen bailando. Aqui,… |
OL20158574W |
Celebrate Chinese New Year with the Fong family
F. Isabel Campoy,Alma Flor Ada |
The Sanchez and the Fong families get together to celebrate Chinese New Year. Includes facts about the holiday. |
OL20419174W |
Celebra Kwanzaa con Botitas y sus gatitos
F. Isabel Campoy,Alma Flor Ada |
Every day of Kwanzaa a family searches for their missing cat, and finally, on the last day, they find her, and a big surprise. |
OL20608557W |
Lienzo y papel
F. Isabel Campoy,Alma Flor Ada |
Includes biographical sketches of ten Latin American and Spanish painters, an example of each artist's work, and a short poem related to the work. |
OL20897147W |
La tataranieta de Cucarachita Martina
Alma Flor Ada |
Martina, the cockroach, is looking for a husband. Her travels lead her from New York to Puerto Pico before she returns home to marry Perez the rat. |
OL22053407W |
Celebrate Halloween and the Day of the Dead with Cristina and her blue bunny
F. Isabel Campoy,Alma Flor Ada |
Even though Cristina has lost her blue bunny, she can still enjoy Halloween and the Day of the Dead by thinking about her favorite toy. Includes facts about Halloween and the Day of the Dead. |
OL23989769W |
Celebrate Kwanzaa with Boots and her kittens
F. Isabel Campoy,Alma Flor Ada |
Every day of Kwanzaa a family searches for their missing cat, and finally, on the last day, they find Boots, and a big surprise. |
OL23989822W |
Feliz cumpleaños, Caperucita Roja!
F. Isabel Campoy,Alma Flor Ada |
En este cuento ilustrado para niños, Caperucita hace todas las preparaciones para su fiesta de cumpleaños.
In this illustrated story for children, Red Riding Hood makes all the preparations for her … |
OL24201087W |
The gold coin
Alma Flor Ada |
Determined to steal an old woman's gold coin, a young thief follows her all around the countryside and finds himself involved in a series of unexpected activities. |
OL24272935W |
Alma Flor Ada |
A collection of poetry by well known poets from Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Argentina, México, and Spain. |
OL24284356W |
Ten little puppies
Alma Flor Ada |
Ten little puppies are lost, one by one, for different reasons, until only one little puppy remains.
Diez perritos se van, uno tras uno, por varias razones, hasta que queda sólo un perrito. |
OL24302190W |
En el barrio
Alma Flor Ada |
Many interesting and colorful things happen each day in the neighborhood. |
OL24892177W |
Anthology of Hispanic folktales
F. Isabel Campoy,Alma Flor Ada |
Presents the authors' retellings of more than ten traditional tales accompanied by information on origins and different versions. |
OL2585917W |
Barquitos de papel
Alma Flor Ada |
During rainy days in Cuba the father makes paper boats out of old newspapers and sails them down the stream to an unknown destination. Includes instructions for paper folding. |
OL2585925W |
Celebra el día de Martin Luther King, Jr. con la clase de la Sra. Park
Campoy Isabel,Alma Flor Ada |
The students in Mrs. Park's class prepare to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by thinking about the values he taught. Includes facts about Martin Luther King, Jr. |
OL2585937W |