All about ships
Ali Mitgutsch |
44p. : 24cm |
OL4031392W |
From blossom to honey
Ali Mitgutsch |
Describes how bees turn flower nectar into the honey which the beekeeper extracts from the hive. |
OL4031439W |
From cacao bean to chocolate
Ali Mitgutsch |
Follows the cacao bean from the tropical trees on which they grow to the factories where they are roasted, skinned, and ground to make cocoa butter, the major ingredient in chocolate products. |
OL4031440W |
From cement to bridge
Ali Mitgutsch |
Follows limestone from the quarry to the factory where it eventually is formed into cement and ultimately becomes concrete and is made into a bridge. |
OL4031441W |
From clay to bricks
Ali Mitgutsch |
Highlights the step-by-step process of digging clay and forming it into bricks. |
OL4031442W |
From cotton to pants
Ali Mitgutsch |
Traces the journey of cotton from the plants, through the cotton gin and the spinning mill where it is made into thread, to the loom where it is woven into cloth, and finally to the clothing factory … |
OL4031443W |
From cow to shoe
Ali Mitgutsch |
Follows a cow hide from the tannery where it is soaked, scraped, stretched, and sometimes dyed to the shoe factory where it is cut and stitched together to make shoes. |
OL4031444W |
From lemon to lemonade
Ali Mitgutsch |
Text and illustrations describe how commercial lemonade is made and bottled in factories and shipped to stores and restaurants. |
OL4031451W |
From milk to ice cream
Ali Mitgutsch |
Describes how ice cream is made from milk. |
OL4031452W |
From ore to spoon
Ali Mitgutsch |
After iron ore is mined, it is poured into a blast furnace with limestone and coke and melted into molten iron. Air and alloys are added resulting in strong steel used for making spoons and many othe… |
OL4031454W |
From sheep to scarf
Ali Mitgutsch |
Highlights the step-by step process of shearing sheep, spinning wool, and knitting a scarf. |
OL4031457W |
From swamp to coal
Ali Mitgutsch |
Describes how coal is formed by the earth and the methods used to mine it. Also discusses some of the uses of this mineral. |
OL4031458W |
From tree to table
Ali Mitgutsch |
Follows the path of a tree as it is felled, cut into planks, and made into furniture. |
OL4031459W |
From grass to butter
Ali Mitgutsch |
Briefly explains how grass is used by cows to produce milk which is made into butter. |
OL4031477W |
From Seed to Pear
Ali Mitgutsch |
Describes the cycle of a pear seed which, when planted, produces a fruit-bearing tree and a supply of new seeds. |
OL4031479W |