San Francisco 49ers
Aaron Carr |
Discover more about the players and coaches who have made the 49ers so successful. |
OL17926037W |
The fire station
Aaron Carr |
This book, a combination of a printed book and online content, is an introduction to a fire stations, describing fires, firefighters, fire trucks, tools, and the work firefighters do.
Through simple… |
OL19707361W |
Tiranosaurio rex
Aaron Carr |
En el libro aprenderás muchas cosas sobre el tiranosaurio rex. |
OL19996933W |
Las mariquitas
Aaron Carr |
Con un texto sencillo y fotos se examina el ciclo de vida y comportamiento de las mariquitas y su rol en la naturaleza. |
OL19996937W |
Aaron Carr |
Beautiful pictures show some of the things that happen in the season of Spring. |
OL20904987W |
Aaron Carr |
Pteranodon was a large flying reptile. it is known for having a very long jaw with no teeth and its big wings. This is an AV2 media enhanced book. A unique book code printed on page 2 unlocks multime… |
OL21484235W |
Potbellied pig
Aaron Carr |
Potbellied pigs can weigh up to 200 pounds. They need to wear sunscreen on sunny days. These interesting facts about this animal can be discoverd in I Love My Pet Ptobellied Pig. -- |
OL21531549W |
The police station
Aaron Carr |
Simple text and protographs introduce young readers to police officers and a police station. |
OL21581112W |
El erizo
Aaron Carr |
Simple text and photographs introduce young readers to a hedgehog, discussing its life cycle, how to care for it and more. |
OL21977847W |
Aaron Carr |
"Saurposeidon was a large plant-eating dinosaur. It is known for having the longest neck of any dinosaur. Its name means 'earthquake god lizard.' Learn more about this remarkable reptile in Sauropose… |
OL24161230W |
Aaron Carr |
A look at the life cycle of cows. |
OL24258052W |
Aaron Carr |
Text and photographs look at the season of fall. |
OL24264301W |
Renewable energy
Aaron Carr |
The need for renewable energy is becoming more apparent. Advances in technology are generating new sources of energy, but questions about how reliable and affordable these new methods are still remai… |
OL24295238W |
Aaron Carr |
Learn about spiders: its body features, where it lives, what it eats, and its role in nature. |
OL24299918W |
Aaron Carr |
Hoe leer je goed te skiën? Informatie over skiën, met veel kleurenfoto's en een website met o.a. filmpjes en luistertekst. Om samen te lezen en de woordenschat te vergroten. Voorlezen vanaf ca. 5 jaa… |
OL24442475W |
Sterke trekkers
Aaron Carr |
Wat is een trekker of tractor en wat voor soorten zijn er? Kennismaking met tractors, met grote kleurenfoto's en een interactieve website. Voor o.a. vergroten van de woordenschat. Voorlezen vanaf ca.… |
OL24622069W |
Columbus Day
Aaron Carr |
"Did you know that Columbus Day events often have parades? The parades may have dancing, music, and people waving Italian flags. Explore these and other fascinating facts in Columbus Day, a Let's C… |
OL25069673W |
Aaron Carr |
Learn about ants: its body features, where it lives, what it eats, and its role in nature. |
OL26452167W |
La biblioteca
Aaron Carr |
Simple text and photographs introduce young readers to a library, discussing the parts of a library, who the librarian is and more. |
OL27013245W |
Las plantas
Aaron Carr |
Text and photographs look at the life cycle of a plant. |
OL27734153W |