Speaking Phrases Boricua
By Jared Romey
Description: This follow-up to the Puerto Rican bestseller, Speaking Boricua, collects the unique Puerto Rican sayings that are passed down from generation to generation. Whether you are looking to share your life's wisdom with Island friends, trying to get a chuckle from colleagues or just want to better understand Puerto Ricans, Speaking Phrases Boricua offers both English and Spanish versions for these wisdoms. Hundreds of them are translated literally into English, explained and, when available, paired with an English equivalent. Here are a few samples: • In English something extremely white may be said to be as paler as snow, in Puerto Rican Spanish you can say whiter than a nun's butt-cheek, or *más jincho que nalga de monja.* • *La gallina vieja da buen caldo*, or the old hen makes good broth is a form of saying that a woman's age does not mean she has lost her touch. • In English you say make a mountain out of a mole hill, to blow something out of proportion. The Puerto Rican equivalent is *ahogarse en un vaso de agua*, or to drown in a glass of water. This book includes 38 illustrations and an index of English sayings with Puerto Rican equivalents.
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