Creating Components
By Charles W. Kann
Subjects: Java (Computer program language), Object-oriented programming (computer science), Programmation parallèle (Informatique), Nonfiction, Parallel programming (computer science), Programmation orientée objet (Informatique), Java (computer program language), Object-oriented programming (Computer science), Parallel programming (Computer science), Computer Technology, Java (Langage de programmation)
Description: Concurrency is a powerful technique for developing efficient and lightning- fast software. For instance, concurrency can be used in common applications such as online order processing to speed processing and ensure transaction reliability. However, mastering concurrency is one of the greatest challenges for both new and veteran programmers. Software developers with all levels of experience can refer to Creating Components: Object Oriented, Concurrent, and Distributed Computing in Java to better understand how concurrency works, more effectively deploy it in program components, and reuse these components to improve program design, quality, and performance.This text introduces concurrent and component programming to students, engineers, and programmers who are familiar with Java and procedural and GUI programming. It helps them to understand and apply concurrency in Java component programming, while exploring distributed program implementation, Java threads, objects, interfaces, exceptions, component reuse, and system design and management.By providing the fundamental concepts of object-oriented components and offering templates for distributed program components, this valuable resource reveals how programmers can apply concurrency and components to solve complex problems.
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