Text-book of advanced machine work
By Robert Henry Smith (machinist)
Subjects: Machine shop practice, Machine-shop practice, Machinery
Description: Publisher Comments: Here's the best general machine shop book I've ever seen old or new. Smith brought out this book in 1915, updating it in 1925. That makes it new enough to still be of great value, but old enough to contain a many techniques that are no longer taught.You get easy-to-read text, step-by-step instructions, and great illustrations. Modern books are prettier, but they cannot possibly do a better job of teaching. "Advanced" covers everything you can imagine from basic operation of a micrometer and vernier caliper, to the testing of machine tools for accuracy. You'll learn the different methods of turning tapers and their fitting, detailed instructions on cutting threads, making bolts and nuts, face plates and chucks, mounting work, turning flanges and pulleys, boring, threading, cutting square threads bolts and nuts, cutting multiple threads, knurling, and much more. You'll learn about drilling jigs, eccentric turning, facing large cylinders, use of steadies and followers, external and internal grinding, and the grinding of piston rings, milling cutters, reamers, and more. Chapter nine covers planers and their use. Learn to plane keyways, lathe beds, vises, and more. In learning to use a milling machine you'll groove taps, flute reamers, mill T-slots in a circular table and more. And there's so much more on everything from gear cutting to making mandrels, taps, twist drills, using indicators, sine bars and more. You'll learn how to make expensive tools that you now buy. You'll even learn how to check the accuracy of lathes, milling machines, drill presses, and lead screws, and even use of optical flats to measure to millionths of an inch!
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