James Hart
By Charles Gerton Hart
Subjects: Gossage, Illinois., Hart, ancestry, South Carolina, Tennessee
Description: James Hart: A Genealogical And Historical Record Of His Descendants (With Allied Families) by Charles Gerton Hart Description. James Hart is the earliest known ancestor of Charles Gerton Hart, who authored this book. Charles Hart provides information about the descendants of James Hart and his wife Elizabeth (maiden name unknown) and includes several antedotes of his own experiences in putting together this ancestral record. It has been professionally published by his wife, Marion P. Hart. Printed by Allied Printing, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida. The chapters: James Hart Jesse Hart Henry Hart Thomas Hart Elizabeth Hart Derryl Hart Hannah Hart The Hart-Morris Reunion The Hart-Dixon Reunion The John Rainey Family The Gossage Family The Randolph Family The Wasson Family The Dixon Family The Morris Family In addition to Hart the following surnames are included in this volume: Abbott, Adams, Abel, Adair, Adcock, Adkins, AGuirre, Aldridge, Alexander, Alford, Alippi, Allen, Allison, Alred, Altum, Alvery, Amis, Anderson, Andrews, Archer, Armstrong, Arnold, Arnot, Arnurine, Artz, Ashburn, Ashley, Ashby, Atchley, Aud, Austin, Avens, Avery, Ayer, Ayres Baba, Bachman, Baid, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ballard, Bancroft, Bang, Banks, Banellee, Banner, Bany, Barbre, Barham, Barker, Barksdale, Barnes, Barnett, Barret, Barrett, Barry, Bartha, Bartlet, Bass, Bateman, Bates, Batonie, Batson, Batt, Battles, Battershell, Baucom, Baugh, Bauman, Baxter, Beal, Beam, Beams, Bean, Beard, Beasley, Becker, Becton, Bedell, Bedford, Bedigeria, Bedwell, Beede, Beitzel, Belew, Belford, Bell, Bellamy, Bellomy, Belshaw, Bennett, Bent, Bently, Benton, Bergen, Berry, Bickle, Bigbee, Bird, Bishop, Black, Blackburn, Blackwell, Blackwood, Blaise, Blake, Blanchard, Bland, Blaxton, Bledsoe, Blounsett, Boatwright, Bodie, Bohannan, Bohannon, Bolander, Boles, Bolin, Bomar, Bonner, Boon, Boozer, Borden, Boseker, Bost, Boswell, Bowden, Bowen, Bowens, Bowlin, Bowling, Bowman, Boyd, Boyer, Boygusta, Boyle, Brabenec, Bracken, Bradford, Bradley, Brandon, Brannan, Brannum, Brazelton, Breeden, Brewer, Bridgers, Bright, Brinsfield, Brister, Britton, Broadrick, Broadway, Brockett, Brockman, Brodky, Brothers, Brower, Brown, Brownfield, Browning, Brozosky, Bruce, Brunz, Bruton, Bryan, Bryant, Buchanan, Buckalew, Buckhanon, Buckner, Buff, Bullington, Burdett Burditt, Burger, Burgeson, Burgess, Burkett, Burkhead, Burner, Burnette, Burns, Burrough, Burroughs, Burrow, Burt, Burton, Bush, Butler, Buttry, Butts, Bynum, Byrd, Byram, Byrom Cable, Calahan, Caldwell, Call, Calloway, Campbell, Cantrell, Carey, Cargile, Carlock, Carpenter, Carr, Carrier, Carroll, Carson, Carter, Carver, Casey, Cash, Cashion, Casteel, Cates, Cathey, Caves, Caylor, Chadwick, Champion, Chancy, Chapman, Charlot, Chase, Chasteene, Cheaney, Cherry, Childers, Chilton, Chitwood, Chrisman, Christie, Clampit, Clarke, Clardy, Clark, Claxton, Claywell, Clearwater, Cleek, Clemons, Cleveland, Click, Clifford, Cliffton, Clubb, Coats, Cobb, Cobia, Cockerum, Cockley, Cody, Cofer, Coffin, Coffman, Cogburn, Coker, Cole, Coleman, Collard, Collier, Collins, Congor, Congres, Conroy, Conwell, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copeland, Copley, Corbett, Corkran, Cornelison, Cornwell, Corprew, Correia, Cottermar, Cottis, Cotton, Cotts, Courington, Coursey, Covey, Cowan, Cowart, Cowie, Cowley, Cox, Coxsey, Cozart, Crabtree, Craig, Crane, Crapo, Cravens, Crawford, Crenshaw, Crews, Cross, Crosslin, Crow, Crowell, Crump, Cummings, Cumins Cummins, Cumrine, Cunningham, Curlee, Curry, Curtes, Custer, Cyree Daily, Dallas, Dancause, Darnaby, Darwin, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Dawkins, Dawn, Day, Dean, Deason, Deck, Deen, Defriesse, Degeer, Delaney, Delk, Deloach, Deloche, Delong, Demonbreum, Dempsey, Denham, Dennington, Denolt, Denson, Derrick, Deveny, DeVillez, Dickey, Dickinson, Dillon, Dinsmore, Dixon, Dobbs, Dodd, Dodson, Doerner, Donnelly, Dorbandt, Doster, Douglas, Dowdle, Dowdy, Dowling, Downs, Drane, DuBar, Dudley, Dulany, Duncan, Dusenberry, Dyer Eakin, Earls, Easley, Eastman, Eaton, Eddy, Edgar, Edwards, Egan, Egbert, Ekberg, Elam, Elliff, Elliott, Ellis, Ellman, Emerson, England, Engstrom, Ensley, Epley, Epps, Erby, Ervin, Erwin, Estes, Etter, Evans, Everhart, Evett, Evitts, Ewan, Ewell, Ewing Falls, Farmer, Farr, Farra, Farris, Faulkner, Favors, Fehr, Felton, Fenamore, Ferguson, Ferrell, Ferris, Field, Fielden, Filson, Finch, Finey, Finney, Fisher, Fitch, Fitts, Fitzgerald, Flake, Flannagan, Fleming, Fletcher, Flowers, Floyd, Flurry, Flynn, Ford, Forester, Forrester, Forsythe, Foscue, Foshee, Foster, Fram, Frame, Franklin, Franks, Freeman, French, Frick, Friday, Friely, Frier, Frisbe, Frizzell, Fry, Frye, Fulkerson, Fulks, Fuller, Fulton, Furr Galaway, Gallimore, Gamberell, Gammill, Gardner, Garien, Garland, Garner, Garrett, Gates, Gaultney, Gauntt, Gayer, Geahardt, Gear, Geers, Gentry, Gibbons, Giglio, Gilbert, Gill, Gilley, Gilligan, Gilliland, Gilstrap, Gipson, Girdley, Given, Givens, Glazier, Glenn, Glover, Gohn, Golden, Good, Goode, Gooding, Goodloe, Goodman, Goodwin, Goolsby, Gordon, Gore, Goss, Gossage, Gott, Graham, Grammer, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Greene, Greer, Griffith, Griggs, Grigsby, Grimes, Grimwood, Groce, Gross, Guard, Guffey, Guida, Guinn, Gullatt, Gullett, Gundi Haggarty, Halcomb, Hale, Hall, Hambrick, Hamby, Hamilton, Hammer, Hammers, Hammett, Hammonds, Hammons, Hampton, Hancock, Handte, Hanger, Hanner, Hardee, Hardin, Hargis, Hargrove, Harlee, Harman, Harp, Harper, Harral, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartley, Hartman, Harvey, Haskins, Hasting, Hastings, Hasty, Hatfield, Hathway, Hauck, Hawk, Hawkins, Haynes, Hays, Healy, Heart, Hedrick, Heet, Heffley, Hellms, Henderson, Hendricks, Henley, Henry, Hensen, Henshaw, Henson, Herrington, Hervey, Hessler, Hessy, Hester, Hetherington, Hewett, Hice, Hickerson, Hicks, Higginbotham, Higgins, Hildman, Hill, Hilliard, Hix, Hoback, Hobbs, Hocker, Hodge, Holbrook, Hold, Holder, Holeman, Hollingsworth, Holloway, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Hon, Hood, Hooten, Hoover, Hopkins, Hopper, Horn, Horney, Hosch, Hoult, House, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howl, Howton, Hubbard, Huddleston, Hudgins, Hudson, Huff, Huffaker, Huffman, Hughes, Hull, Humphrey, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hurst, Huskey, Hutcheson, Hutchison, Hutson, Hutton Ice, Ingram, Ireland, Isbell, Isham, Ives, Ivy Jackson, Jacques, James, Javitch, Jeffery, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Jolly, Jomlinson, Jones, Jordan, Joslin, Judkins Kachel, Keaton, Keel, Keith, Kellogg, Kelly, Kemp, Kendrick, Kennamer, Kennedy, Kennemer, Kent, Kepner, Kerby, Kern, Ketchpaw, Key, Keywood, Kilpatrick, Kimbro, King, Kinman, Kirk, Kirkham, Kisner, Kissinger, Kittrell, Knight, Knotter, Knowles, Knox, Kock, Koehn, Koehke, Kolb, Kornegy, Kottwitz, Kreig, Kuh, Kuhn, Kurn, Kurns, Kuykendall Lackey, Lackman, Ladd, Lamar, Lamb, Lambert, Lampley, Lancaster, Lance, Landers, Landford, Lane, Langford, Lankford, Larkin, Larson, LaRue, Lasater, Latham, Lauck, Lawson, Laymon, Leavell, Ledwell, Lee, Leopard, Lepphaille, Lester, Levert, Lewis, Lightfoot, Ligon, Limbaugh, Lincoln, Linder, Lindgren, Lipscomb, Little, Livingston, Lloyd, Lockaby, Lockwood, Lokey, London, Long, Looney, Loral, Lossiter, Lott, Love, Loveless, Lovett, Loving, Lowe, Lowell, Lowrie, Lusk, Luttrell, Lyle, Lynch, Lyons Mack, Mackey, Maddox, Maddux, Magnuson, Magouirk, Magruder, Maichele, Mallard, Maness, Mangrum, Mankin, Manly, Manning, Manson, Mansur, Maples, Marks, Marlin, Marr, Marsh, Marshall, Marth, Martin, Mashburn, Mason, Masser, Massey, Mathews, Matlock, Matthews, Maulsberry, Maxwell, May, Mayo, Maysonnave, McAdams, McAlister, McBride, McCain, McCaleb, McCants, McCarter, McCarty, McCaslin, McCheney, McClain, McClellan, McClendon, McCoamas, McCombs, McCormick, McCoy, McCurry, McDonald, McElyea, McEntire, McFarland, McFarlin, McFerrin, McGee, McGehee, McGill, McIlroy, McKee, McKinney, McLaughlin, McNatt, McKnight, McLeod, McSpadden, McWilliams, Meadows, Medley, Medlin, Mehegan, Melar, Melson, Melton, Mercier, Merrill, Metz, Meyers, Mick, Milam, Miles, Miller, Millinex, Milner, Milspaugh, Milton, Mims, Mingos, Miskall, Mitch, Mitchell, Mithcell, Moffit, Moller, Monette, Montieth, Montgomery, Money, Montane, Mooningham, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Mortland, Moser, Mott, Moyer, Moyers, Mozar, Mueller, Mullen, Mullens, Mullinax, Mullins, Murphy, Murray, Muse, Musgrove, Musick, Myers Nance, Napier, Neal, Neely, Neese, Nelms, Nelson, Newcomb, Newkirk Newman, Newton, Nichols, Nichkson, Nicholas, Nicholson, Nicol, Noah, Noble, Noblin, Noblitt, Norris, Norwood, Nugent Oakley, O'Brein, O'brien, O'Dell, Odegaard, Ogle, Oliver, Olsen, O'Neal, O'Rear, Ormsby, Orr, Ortner, Osborn, Osborne, Overcast, Overton, Owen, Owens Pace, Padgett, Page, Papuchis, Parker, Parks, Parsons, Partin, Pass, Pate, Patrick, Patterson, Patton, Paul, Payne, Peak, Pearce, Pearrow, Pearson, Peay, Pell, Pendergrass, Pepper, Perkins, Perrin, Perry, Perryman, Petti, Petty, Pettypool, Phelps, Phillips, Phillpot, Phipps, Pickering, Pickle, Pierce, Pinkham, Piper, Pippin, Pitts, Pluff, Plummer, Plyant, Poe, Polston, Pond, Pool, Poole, Pope, Popp, Porter, Post, Postle, Potter, Potts, Pounds, Powell, Poynton, Prater, Prewitt, Price, Prince, Pritchard, Proctor, Propsch, Propst, Prosser, Pruett, Puckett, Purdon, Purdy, Pylant, Pyle, Pyne Quackenbush, Quercis, Quinn Raby, Racine, Ragsdale, Rainey, Rains, Ramage, Ramp, Ramsey, Randolph, Raney, Ray, Rays, Reagor, Reavis, Rector, Redd, Redelle, Reece, Reed, Rees, Reese, Reeves, Register, Reid, Reiger, Renegar, Renshaw, Reynolds, Rhea, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Riggs, Rigsby, Rickard, Ricker, Riddle, Rigby, Riley, Ripa, Rittenberry, Ritter, Roach, Roark, Robbs, Roberson, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Roboliard, Roden, Rodgers, Rogers, Roney, Root, Ross, Rosson, Roth, Roundtree, Rounsaville, Roundsaville, Rousseau, Rowan, Rowe, Rowell, Rowland, Rowlett, Royer, Rozer, Ruark, Rudolph, Runkle, Rush, Rudd, Russell, Rust, Rutherford, Ryan, Rycoft Sadler, Sain, Saint, Sales, Sample, Sanders, Sandusky, Sansom, Santen, Sapp, Sartwell, Satterfield, Schaeffer, Schendorf, Schmude, Sckeidt, Scott, Scruggs, Sears, Seay, Seifert, Selby, Self, Sells, Shadowens, Shanan, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Shea, Sheeter, Shelton, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherbert, Sherwood, Shipley, Shoate, Shoffner, Shofner, Shook, Short, Shrader, Shrock, Shrout, Shuffelbarger, Siegel, Sielaff, Sievert, Simkins, Simmons, Simpkins, Simpson, Simms, Singleton, Sisk, Sizemore, Skurlock, Smedley, Smith, Smithey, Smoot, Smyre, Sneed, Snow, Snyder, Solomon, Somerville, Sommers, Spence, Spencer, Sponsler, Spratlin, Stafle, Stallcup, Stallings, Stamps, Stanaland, Stanley, Stansberry, Star, Staten, Stecyk, Steed, Steehaan, Steele, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stidham, Stiff, Stigler, Still, Stockhowe, Stockstell, Stockwell, Stodden, Stone, Story, Stout, Stover, Stowe, Strab, Strahan, Strickland, Striplin, Strozier, Suften, Suggs, Sullinger, Sullivan, Sunday, Sutherland, Sutton, Swanner, Swearinger, Swinford Talley, Tanner, Tate, Taube, Taylor, Teal, Templeton, Terrell, Thacker, Tharp, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Thornburn, Thornsberry, Throckmorton, Thronesberry, Tidwell, Tiffin, Tilley, Timmons, Tindall, Tison, Todd, Toler, Tomikura, Tomlin, Toombs, Tope, Towery, Towles, Trepanier, Tripe, Trippe, Trott, Troupe, Truejello, Truitt, Trussel, Tuck, Tucker, Tully, Turner, Turpin, Tuttle, Twisdale, Tyler Unsell, Uri, Uselton Van Antwerp, Van Cleave, Vandiver, Vangundy, Vassey, Vaughn, Venable, Verlanda, Via, Vian, Villella, Vinson, Virden, Vogel, Voiles, von Bates, von Derheyden Wade, Wagner, Waggoner, Wagnon, Wagster, Waitchies, Waldrop, Walker, Wallace, Wallingford, Walthall, Walton, Ward, Warner, Warren, Warth, Washam, Wasson, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Weatherly, Weaver, Webb, Weddington, Weeks, Welch, Wellman, Wells, Werich, Westbrooks, Whealty, Wheeler, Whelan, Whirlow, Whitaker, Whitcomb, White, Whitehead, Whitehurst, Whitman, Whitney, Whorley, Wick, Wikle, Wilbanks, Wilcoxin, Wiley, Wilhoite, Wilkerson, Wilkes, Wilkie, Wilkens, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Willingham, Willis, Willson, Wilson, Wimley, Windecker, Wineinger, Winfrey, Wingate, Wininger, Winn, Winter, Winterburgh, Wisdom, Wiseman, Witlow, Wolfe, Womack, Womble, Wood, Woodall, Woodard, Wooden, Woods, Woodson, Woodward, Woody, Woosley, Worsham, Worthington, Wray, Wright, Wynne Yarbourge, Yates, Yeingst, York, Young, Younge Ziegler, Zimmers
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