By Euripides Euripides
Subjects: Criticism, textualeuripides, Tragedies, Hippolytus (greek mythology)--drama, Translations into English, Ancient (Classical) Greek, Greek drama (tragedy)--criticism and interpretation, Teaching Methods & Materials - Arts & Humanities, Greek drama, translations into english, Cyclopes (Greek mythology), Hippolytus (greek mythology), French, Hippolytus, Greek drama, Greek Mythology, Teatro grego, Pa3975.h7 h3 1995, Spanish, 882.1, English language, great_books_of_the_western_world, Dictionaries, Chinese, Hippolytus (Greek mythology), Tragedia grega, Pa3973 .h7 1984, open_syllabus_project, Education, Korean, Education / Teaching, Drama, Medea (Greek mythology), Plays & playwrights: classical, early & medieval, Drama texts: classical, early & medieval, Greek language materials, Alcestis (Greek mythology), Translations into Latin, German, Foreign Language Study / Greek (Modern), Poesia dramatica grega, Continental european drama (dramatic works by one author), Euripides, Greek drama (Tragedy)
Description: Euripides wrote two plays called Hippolytus. In this, the second, he dramatized the tragic failure of perfection. This translation comes in two forms; the first presents a simulacrum of the text as it might have appeared in unprocessed form to a reader sometime shortly after Euripides? death. The second processes the drama into the reduced but much more distinct form of modern print translations.
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