The etiquette of to-day
By Edith B. Ordway
Subjects: Etiquette
Description: THE ETIQUETTE OF TO-DAY REVISED AND ENLARGED BY EDITH B. ORDWAY Author of "The Opera Book," etc. NEW YORK GEORGE SULLY AND COMPANY >>>from the book>>> "THE REWARDS OF ETIQUETTE SOCIETY is a game which all men play. "Etiquette" is the name given the rules of the game. If you play it well, you win. If you play it ill, you lose. The prize is a certain sort of happiness without which no human being is ever quite satisfied. Because the demand for social happiness is thus fundamental in human nature, the game has to be played quite seriously. If played seriously, it is perforce successful, even when the outward signs of triumph are lacking. Played seriously, it becomes a worthy part of the great enterprise of noble living, the science of which is called "Ethics." Therefore the best etiquette is that which is based upon the fundamental principles of ethics."
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