Ku Klux Klan Sheet Music
By Danny O. Crew
Subjects: Discography, Ku Klux Klan (19th century), Songs and music, Ku-Klux Klan (19th cent.), Ku Klux Klan (1915- ), Texts, Ku klux klan (1915-), Bibliography
Description: "This work presents, chronologically, the music associated with the Klan from 1867 to 2002, thus enabling readers to sense the arguments and attitudes of the Klan as they developed over time. Because of the relative scarcity of Klan-related music, non-Klan music that mentions the word "Klan" is included. These obscure references help place the Klan in a larger social perspective and are very important in documenting anti-Klan musical reaction.". "The catalogue also includes Klan-related music that does not have lyrics, such as marches, waltzes, two-steps, and several Klan-related pieces that were published in Europe. Sheet music was virtually nonexistent after the 1930s, so in order to capture a feeling of Klan-related music today, a limited discography of Klan-related recordings from 1920 to 2002 is also included."--BOOK JACKET.
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