Laguna Verde
By Thomas Berlin Schaller
Subjects: Accidents, Nuclear power plants, Safety measures, Central Nucleoeléctrica de Laguna Verde (Mexico), Nuclear reactor accidents
Description: A deep insight and scientifically founded analysis of the risks of the use of nuclear power in Mexico. The book is well documented about the economical, social and technical problems that may conduce to a mayor accident. This nuclear plant is old, overused and technological obsolet . The only reason that it has not been closed is the general ignorance of the risks. There should be more interest in the future of nuclear energy after Japan's accident (technical nearly impossible, as they said before). And there is the Damocles' Sword: there is still no solution to the final disposal of highly radioactive nuclear waste, which will be a terrible load for many many future generations. It's time may be, to stop the selfdestructive madness of modernity and wrong understood progress. Future is in alternative and clean energies. Only shortsighted and ignorant kamikazes still bet on atomic energy.
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