Gargoyle Magick
By Robert Blanchard
Description: Very rare grimoire from the medieval stone mason. It details several types of gargoyles and their magical uses with instructions on how to evoke them. This is the only book of its kind ever published. As with all grimoires you need some basic ritual magic training to successfully perform the rituals in the book. Anyone interested in grimoires, will find this text of great interest. I heard that this system does work. The translation was done by master occultist Robert Blanchard. Not a professional writer or a college professor like, most other translations on the market today. These unprofessional translators are doing a great disservice to the occult public. Many of these texts are actually dangerous. This text sells for several hundred dollars used, if you can find one. It is being reprinted by International Guild of Occult Sciences in a low cost eBook and in hardcover. You can go to their site at www.guildofoccultsciences.weebly.com to find out the latest info on this text.
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