Message To The Black Movement
By BLA (Black Liberation Army) Coordinating Committee
Subjects: revolutionary guerrilla warfare, Philosophy / Political, Black Liberation Army, political strategy, class struggle, Political, revolutionary armed struggle, revolutionary socialism, left-wing politics, Philosophy
Description: >This statement was originally written in 1975 by the Coordinating Committee of the Black Liberation Army as part of its effort to consolidate the various isolated BLA units. It is political analysis, statement of general political positions, and a contribution to the Black Liberation Movement specifically, and to the revolutionary movement in general. It includes sections titled “View from the Armed Front”, “Racism and Class”, “Leadership of the Struggle”, “What is Protracted War in the Black Liberation Struggle”, “Revolutionary Internationalism & Pan-Africanism”, and “Alliances With Whites.” - [back cover](https://archive.org/details//page/n39/mode/1up)
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