Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions
By Philip Alston
Subjects: Western Sudan National Commission of Inquiry into the Allegations of Human Rights Violations by Armed Groups in Darfur, CHILDREN, JAMAICA, CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, RIGHTS OF THE CHILD, BRAZIL, HONDURAS, EXTRALEGAL EXECUTIONS, UN. Commission on Human Rights. Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, COMMISSIONS OF INQUIRY, SUDAN, POLICE, International Commission of Inquiry to Investigate Reports of Violations of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in Darfur, Sudan (2004), SUMMARY EXECUTIONS, IMPUNITY, RIGHT TO LIFE, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS, FOLLOW-UP PROCEDURES, ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE, FACT-FINDING MISSIONS, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, VIOLENT DEATHS, DARFUR (Sudan), HUMAN RIGHTS IN ARMED CONFLICTS, MILITARY PERSONNEL, Recommendations
Description: Discusses the follow-up given to the recommendations made by the previous Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Arbitrary or Summary Executions in her reports on four country visits: Honduras (E/CN. 4/2003/3/Add. 2), Jamaica (E/CN. 4/2004/7/Add. 2 and Corr. 1), Brazil (E/CN. 4/2004/7/Add. 3) and the Sudan (E/CN. 4/2005/7/Add. 2).
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