Quality matters
By Penny Lamb
Subjects: Parent participation, Éducation communautaire, Éducation des adultes, Community education, Continuing Education, Education, Continuing education, Participation des parents, Éducation permanente, Adult education, Home and school, Éducation
Description: "A critical new guide to support all professionals who are working with families and parents. The publication has been developed with colleagues who are working either with parents or in family learning to link and make sense of the quality agenda in multi-agency settings. Our review highlighted 28 different advisory and regulatory quality frameworks and guidance documents which are used by, or have an impact on, practitioners operating in group settings with parents or in family learning. The guide provides a single reference point for the fundamental building blocks of quality to support all families, especially the most vulnerable families, to receive a good quality learning experience at every family learning and parenting skills session, irrespective of the location or practitioner group. It links all the frameworks and guidelines to a basic set of building blocks of quality that can be used in any setting. "Quality Matters: Think Family" is aimed at a number of audiences: for tutors and facilitators to consider their practice; for managers, co-ordinators and those responsible for quality to review their organisation's performance; and for any practitioner working in a learning environment across agency boundaries"--Back cover.
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